ICT Help Desk serves as our point of contact for all operational issues and general queries.
Located in room W2051 of the Marine Institute’s Ridge Road Campus
Telephone: 709-778-0628 Email: servicedesk@mi.mun.ca
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Marine Institute
Build It. Race It.
Talk to your school mentor about joining your high school's team. If you do not know who your school mentor is please contact us.
Before you can begin building a model boat, you must first design it. You will need to create some drawings, or sketches, that define the size and shape of the model.
It must be large enough so that the propulsion kit (supplied by the Marine Institute) will fit inside.
This depends on the size, construction material(s), design and hullform (shape) of your model. You should allow for at least two weeks constructing the hull and a week to install and test the propulsion system.
The hull should be constructed so the propulsion system can be easily installed, or, the model can be built around the propulsion system.
There are many ways to build model boats and you are not restricted from using any method you wish.
You can use any material that will not degrade when placed in water.
No. The flume tank is constantly working with local and international clients and will only be available on the day of the boat race.
You may test your designs on any body of water that is accessible to you. We recommend that you select a calm, wave and current-free location.
Be sure to seek proper permissions, when necessary, and always use the utmost care when working around the water. Wear proper safety gear and make sure an adult supervises you.
Please contact us if your propulsion kit does not work properly. Be prepared to describe the problem to us.
We will work with you to troubleshoot and solve the problem.
Yes. Ask your mentor to contact us to make arrangements for a meeting.
We have prepared a Propulsion Kit Sample Installation Guide.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us.
You can add weight (called "ballast") to your model in order to change the 'heel' and/or 'trim'. You should use ballast sparingly, however, as adding weight to your model will make it heavier. A heavier model will require more power to travel at the speeds you want. If your model is too heavy, your top speed will be lower and the model may be difficult to manoeuvre.