Please refer to the Admissions Section of this Calendar.
The program is comprised of two thirteen (13) week academic terms, a six (6) week technical session and a thirteen (13) week work term. The academic semester and technical session consist of a balance of theory and practical applications through lectures, discussion seminars, case studies, laboratory, field trips and a group research project. The work term will involve students placed in pertinent industries or agencies for practical work experience.
Students in Advanced Diplomas must obtain a passing grade of 65% or better in all program courses.
Students who have received a grade of less than 50% in any course will be required to withdraw from the program.
Students who have received a grade less than 65% (but 50% or greater) in more than one program course during a single term will be required to withdraw from the program.
Students who have received a grade less than 65% (but 50% or greater) in one program course will be permitted to remain in the program, provided that course is retaken when offered and passed with a grade of 65% or better. Only one such repeat will be permitted per term. Failure to obtain a grade of 65% in the repeated course shall lead to termination of a student’s program.
While the program is designed to focus the students’ academic and technical competencies specific to the water quality field, their undergraduate degree discipline often directs and influences their career choice. Graduates find employment in water and wastewater utilities, environmental companies, engineering and laboratory companies, oil/gas/ mining sectors, regulatory agencies and NGOs. In addition, graduates have been successful in securing careers in the beverage, food and manufacturing industries that utilize water.
Term 1 BIOL 4105 (Water and Wastewater Microbiological Analysis) CHEM 4100 (Water Chemistry) FDTE 4110 (Introduction to Water and Wastewater Treatment) GEOG 4103 (Aquatic Systems) GEOG 4200 (Geographic Information Systems) STAT 4103 (Statistics - Water Quality) TKPR 415A (Technical Project) WKTM 4000 (Work Term Preparation Seminar) |
Term 2 BIOL 4200 (Water and Wastewater Microbiology) BSMG 4110 (Environmental Policy - Water Quality) CHEM 4200 (Chemical and Analytical Methods) FDTE 4203 (Water and Wastewater Processing I) GEOG 4100 (Remote Sensing) TKPR 415B (Technical Project) |
Technical Session SFTY 1125 (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency) SFTY 1135 (Practical Boat Handling Skills) SFTY 1136 (Small Non-Pleasure Domestic Vessel Basic Safety - SDV-BS) FDTE 4204 (Water and Wastewater Processing II) GEOG 4301 (Applied GIS and Remote Sensing for Water Quality) TKPR 415C (Technical Project) |
Term 3 (Work Term) WKTM 4110 (Work Term - Advanced Diploma in Water Quality) |
NOTE: TKPR 415A/B/C must be completed sequentially in the same academic year
Credit Earned: Advanced Diploma - Water Quality
Normal Start: Fall
School of Fisheries
Contact: Admissions Officer
(709) 778-0380
1-800-563-5799 (ext. 380)
The Marine Institute’s Advanced Diploma in Water Quality is the only post-graduate program of its kind in Atlantic Canada that focuses on the study of water and wastewater. Many areas throughout the world are facing a crisis over the supply and quality of water, water for drinking, agriculture, aquatic ecosystems, industrial and manufacturing purposes.
Students are provided with significant training in the technical aspects of water and wastewater treatment, Students also complete specific courses in microbiology, chemistry, limnology, water and environmental policy, statistics and geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing that enhance their understanding of the science behind water and wastewater treatment and management.
Another unique aspect of the program is it provides students with an introduction to the socio-economic, environmental, and legislative policies, regulations and the importance of protecting and managing water resources.