



Please refer to the Admissions section of this Calendar.




The program is structured in a three year format to be delivered in six academic semesters, two practical skills training sessions, one work term and one professional orientation session.


The first two terms include courses that are common to other Marine Institute technology programs, such as communication skills, mathematics and physics as well as courses in chemistry, biology, computer applications, and an introduction to issues in the Marine Environment. After Term 2 students will participate in the first practical skills session, which is seven weeks in duration. The first practical session includes safety courses such as MED-A1 and marine sampling.


In the second year students focus on environmental issues relating to scientific and social problems of marine pollution and marine resource use. This year serves to give a solid background in environmental science and technology and the use of environmental legislation and policy as a control measure for human interaction with the environment. The second practical skills training session after Term 4 is five weeks in duration and is followed by an 8 week work term placement with industry or environmental agencies. Following Term 4 students are academically and practically prepared for their work term placement and have completed the certification requirements for Standard First Aid, WHMIS, MED-A1, , SVOP (Small Vessels Operators Proficiency), Basic Oil Spill Responder, Confined Space Awareness and H2S Alive. Additionally, the students have a strong background in communications, computer skills and laboratory skills. The work term placement will provide an opportunity for students to apply the skills and knowledge obtained from the first two years of the program.


The final year continues to build on the environmental concepts especially those related to environmental management. During this year students will undertake a major technical research project with the support of a team of supervisors from faculty and support staff. Following the sixth semester a four week professional orientation places the student with industry to gain further professional experience prior to the June graduation.


Credit Earned: Diploma of Technology


3 years (6 academic terms, 2 practical skills term)


Normal Start: Fall


School of Fisheries


Admissions Officer
(709) 778-0380
1-800-563-5799 (ext. 380)




The program is designed to equip graduates with the ability to work in the relatively new and expanding area of Marine Environmental Technology. The environmental sector in general is growing at a fast rate and in light of recent problems in the fisheries and the crowding of our coastal areas, there is a need for resource management technologists who can apply technical expertise in the ocean and coastal environments. Some of the highlights of the program are given below.


  • Upon graduation, students will be familiar with the underlying scientific principles of environmental operations as well as the policy and legal framework that forms current environmental regulations. They will be exposed to the multidisciplinary aspect of the environmental sector.
  • To meet the needs of industry, discipline-related courses are supplemented by further training in the areas of computer applications, communications, business principles and economics.
  • The program recognizes the increasing role of computers in the environmental sector. Computer basics are taught early in the program allowing advanced courses to take advantage of computer related topics such as remote sensing and geographic information systems.
  • In order to give participants in the program experience in the industry, a mandatory work term is included in the program. This eight week session allows the student to gain experience in an industry setting.
  • In addition to the certification opportunities described, graduates of the Marine Institute Diploma of Technology in Marine Environmental are eligible for admission to the Memorial University Bachelor of Technology program. Candidates are required to complete 13 courses for the Bachelor of Technology degree.
  • Certified training will be provided in Standard First Aid, WHMIS, MED-A1, MED-A3, SVOP (Small Vessel Operators Proficiency), Basic Oil Spill Responder, Confined Space Awareness and H2S Alive.
  • Students will be familiar with sampling methodologies for scientific study in air, water and biological sampling.
  • The professional orientation session prior to graduation provides students additional work experience and industry contacts.




The goal of the Marine Environmental Technology Program is to develop environmental technologists who possess the knowledge and skills to work in the marine area. However, graduates are not limited to working in marine sectors as the program includes broad environmental principles applicable to diverse sectors. Skill development in sampling methodologies apply to freshwater and terrestrial species. Program graduates have been successful in applying their skills and knowledge to environmental sectors that are both marine and land based.


Through extensive consultation with industry, skills that employers find useful have been identified and are focused on through the program. Since many of the companies operating in the environmental sector are relatively small and consultancy based, communication and business skills are integrated into the program. the result is a graduate who can fill a number of different roles in the environmental sector.


Sample job descriptions include:


  • Field technologist who collects samples in a potentially polluted area. With experience, the technologist will be able to manage a field operation.
  • Environmental advisor on the use, conservation and protection of coastal areas.
  • Apply local laws, rules and regulations in the development of safe environmental plans, assessments, etc.
  • Perform laboratory analysis on chemical and biological samples.
  • Respond to chemical spills and assist with cleanup operations. With experience, students should be able to oversee cleanup operations.


Possible Job Titles are:


  • Fishery Observer
  • Environmental Technologist
  • Environmental Officer
  • Fishery Officer
  • Pollution Abatement Officer
  • Laboratory Technologist
  • Operator of Environmental Facility
  • Assessment Officer
  • Technical Salesperson
  • Pollution Control Officer




Term 1
BIOL 1100 (Biology)
CHEM 1101 (General Chemistry I)
CMSK 1102 (Technical Communications)
One of: MATH 1100 (Pre-Calculus)
MATH 1101 (Introduction to Calculus)
MENV 1102 (Marine Environment)
PHYS 1100 (Physics)
SFTY 1104 (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System)

Term 2
CHEM 1201 (General Chemistry II)
CMSK 1201 (Communication at Work)
CPSK 1103 (Computer Database and Spreadsheet Applications)
One of: MATH 1101 (Introduction to Calculus)
MATH 1200 (Calculus)
ONGR 2103 (Oceanography)
PHYS 1200 (Physics)


Technical Session (Practical Skills)
MENV 1100 (Sampling I)
MENV 1101 (Industry Visitation)
MENV 2103 (Basic Oil Spill Responder)
SFTY 1101 (Standard First Aid)
SFTY 1108 (MED A1)
SFTY 1121 (Equipment and Site Safety)
SFTY 1124 (Confined Space Entry Awareness)
SFTY 1125 (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency)
SFTY 1135 (Practical Boat Handling Skills)


Term 3
BIOL 2105 (Microbiology)
BSMG 2104 (Policy and Law)
CHEM 2202 (Environmental Chemistry I)
CMSK 2101 (Technical Communications)
MATH 1200 (Calculus)
SFTY 2101 (H2S Alive)
WKTM 1003 (Work Term Preparation Seminar)


Term 4
CHEM 2103 (Organic Chemistry)
CMSK 2201 (Technical Communications)
GEOG 2100 (Geography)
MENV 2101 (Dynamics of Marine Pollution)
MENV 2300 (Environmental Applications of Industrial Hygiene)
SFTY 2201 (Boating - Practical Skills)
STAT 2108 (Applied Statistics)

Technical Session 2 (Practical Skills)
BIOL 2300 (Fish Identification and Remediation)
MENV 2302 (Environmental Microbiology Field Studies)
MENV 2303 (Marine Sampling)


Work Term
WKTM 2106 (Work Term)
Term 5
BIOL 3100 (Marine Biology)
BSMG 3121 (Environmental Economics & Project Management)
CHEM 2300 (Environmental Chemistry II)
GEOG 2103 (Introduction to Geographic Information)
MENV 2301 (Fisheries Conservation Technologies)
TKPR 312A (Technological Thesis)
Term 6
BIOL 2100 (Aquatic Ecology)
BSMG 3111 (Environmental Assessment and Auditing)
BSMG 3119 (Management Principles)
GEOG 2200 (Remote Sensing)
MENV 3102 (Fundamentals of Coastal Zone Management)
TKPR 312B (Technological Thesis)
Work Term
WKTM 3300 (Professional Orientation)