12.0 General Regulations for Work Terms
12.1 Registration and Scheduling of Work Terms


1. Students on work term are classified as full-time students. As such, all Marine Institute academic policies and regulations governing full-time students apply.


2. Students are required to conditionally register for a work term through the Student Self-Service at during the last week of classes of the preceding academic semester. This registration is conditional upon successful completion of the academic semester in which the student is enrolled and confirmation of the completion of any required prerequisites. 


3. Registration will be cancelled for students who are required to withdraw at the end of the preceding academic semester.


4. Under no circumstances will a student proceed on work term without officially registering through Student Self-Service. Failure to do so will render the work experience ineligible for recognition as meeting work term requirements.


5. Students entering work terms in Advanced Diploma, Diploma of Technology and Technician Diploma programs are required to pay a tuition fee equivalent to the fee for one course in their program. Please refer to Program and Fees for further details.


6. Students entering work terms in Technical Certificate programs should refer to Program and Fees for more information on fees.


7. Notwithstanding Section 12.3 - Work Term Evaluation and Advancement, students who drop the work term must adhere to the timelines in the Marine Institute Academic Diary to avoid academic prejudice and associated fees. Dropping a work term must be done in consultation, and with the permission of, the School Head or designate.


8. Refund of tuition fees after the official date to drop courses will be at the discretion of the School Head.


9. Students required to withdraw from a program will not be eligible for work term until they have been readmitted to the program.


10. Work terms are scheduled differently for each program. Students should consult Career Services - Important Dates for the work term periods in their program. Alterations to the schedule, or exemptions, may be made due to exceptional circumstances and with approval from the program chair or school designate. All requests for exemptions or alternatives, together with supporting documentation (medical forms,etc.), must be submitted in writing to the Registrar at


12.2 Placement - Securing a Work Term


1. All work term placements are coordinated jointly through the appropriate school and the Office of Career Integrated Learning (OCIL) which may assist employers and students in the selection process. While the Institute does not guarantee a work term, every effort is made to obtain an adequate number of placements for students embarking on work terms. Please refer to Career Services for further information concerning the Office of Career Integrated Learning.


2. Students should refer to the Student Work Term Handbook for an overview of the placement process and related rules and regulations.


3. Students may secure their own placements provided they consult with the Office of Career Integrated Learning. It is critical that all such self-placements are discussed with the Office of Career Integrated Learning and prior approval is obtained from both the Office of Career and Integrated Learning and the Program Chair or school designate before accepting a work term position to fulfill the requirements of any specific program. Failure to receive prior approval may jeopardize the student’s academic status and the eligibility of the work completed for recognition as meeting work term requirements.


4. Students in School of Fisheries and School of Ocean Technology programs, who are unable to secure a work term placement may complete a research project in lieu of the work term. The project must be approved by the School Head and supervised by a faculty member. A research project is not an option for students in any School of Maritime Studies programs.


5. Students will not be permitted to proceed in a work term placement until all necessary documentation is received by the Office of Career Integrated Learning.


12.3 Work Term Evaluation and Advancement


1. The specific evaluation scheme for each work term is outlined in the course regulations for that work term as described in the course description available on Brightspace.


2. Students who fail to honour a placement or leave before the agreed upon termination date without authorization from the School Head or designate, or perform in a manner which causes the employer to terminate employment, shall be deemed to have failed the work term.


3. Work Term evaluation results are recorded as either Pass (PAS) or Fail (FAL) on the student’s transcript.


4. Students who fail a work term are required to withdraw from the Marine Institute for at least one academic semester. The period of withdrawal will be at the discretion of the School Head or designate.


5. Students who do not achieve the required grades, or fail a work term for any reason, are required to repeat the work term to earn credit for that component of the program. A student is permitted to repeat a given work term only once. Failure to pass on the second attempt will put the student in academic dismissal and therefore ineligible for readmission. Refer to Section 7.5 – Ineligibility for Readmission for further details.


6. A student who fails two work term courses will be in academic dismissal and therefore ineligible for readmission. Refer to Section 7.5 – Ineligibility for Readmission for further details.