1. All Marine Institute academic calendar regulations notwithstanding, the Institute reserves the right, in special circumstances, to modify, alter, or waive any regulation in its application to individual students where, in the judgement of the head of the appropriate academic unit or the appropriate committee, merit and equity so warrant. In keeping with the principle that decisions to waive regulations should be made as close as possible to the institute officer or committee with responsibility for the regulations, requests for waivers, which normally must be made in writing, must be directed as follows:
- Course Prerequisites, Co-requisites, or Same Subject Substitutions: the head of the academic unit upon recommendation from the program chair of the program in question. Such waivers shall not reduce the total number of courses require for a certificate or diploma program.
- Program Regulations: the appropriate committee under the Marine Institute Academic Council. Such waivers shall not reduce the total number of courses required for a certificate or diploma program.
- General Academic Regulations: Marine Institute Academic Council on the recommendation of the appropriate committee. Such waivers shall not reduce the total number of courses required for a certificate or diploma program.
- Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards, Medals, and Prizes Regulations: The Marine Institute Scholarship Committee on the recommendation or request of the head of the appropriate academic unit.
2. Any Student whose request for waiver of regulations has been denied has the right to appeal. With the exception of verbal requests for waiver of Course Prerequisites, Co-requisites or Substitutions, the student will be advised in writing of the reasons for the decision and of the avenue of appeal that may be taken. For information regarding the appeal procedure refer to.