This course will provide the student with practical work experience and the opportunity to develop the competency required of a Firefighting Recruit.
WKTM 0010 (Fire Rescue)
Prerequisites - Successful completion of all courses within the program; Successful completion of SERT fitness test; NFPA 1001 Level I; Clear Certificate of Conduct
Duration - Students must complete a minimum work term of 384 hours duration.
WKTM 0011 provides the student with the necessary practical experience to develop the competency requirements of a bridge watch rating, as outlined by STCW ’95.
For most students, the work term represents their first experience in a ship environment. As such, they will be expected to gain an understanding of the vessel’s operation, safety requirements, and discipline.
NOTE: To challenge Transport Canada’s Bridge Watchman examination, the student must have accumulated a minimum of 60 days of Transport Canada certified sea time. (Refer to Transport Canada Document: TP2293 “The Examination and Certification of Seafarers.”)
Prerequisites - A valid seafarer’s medical certificate is required for all sea based work terms. In addition, the student must have successfully completed all program courses before registering in an approved work term.
Duration - The duration of the work term shall normally be sixty days aboard the assigned vessel.
WKTM 0100 is designed to ensure that the student gains the practical experience to begin development of the competency requirements of a Ship’s Engine Room Rating or a shore-based Marine Diesel Mechanic with practical applicable knowledge.
Students must complete a minimum of 60 Transport Canada approved calendar days as an engineering cadet signed-on onboard ship, must have documented Transport Canada testimonials of sea service, must present acceptable proof of on-the-job performance using the School of Maritime Studies’ Employer Evaluation form, and must complete the Marine Diesel Mechanics Sea Phase Manual. This will result in graduate eligibility for the Engine Room Rating Certificate.
Marine Diesel Mechanics Sea Phase Manual:
The Marine Diesel Mechanics Sea Phase Manual is an integral part of the training program and provides a comprehensive summary of both practical and theoretical knowledge gained while on the work term. The student must complete all applicable questions to the best of his/her ability. The student must present this Manual to the Program Chair upon completion of the work term.
Prerequisite - MREK 0200 (Marine Engineering Knowledge 0200); BSMG 0202 (Workplace Preparation); SFTY 1114 (Basic Safety - STCW’95 VI/I); SFTY 1117 (Survival Craft - STCW’95 VI/2), and SFTY 1102 (Marine Basic First Aid); Valid Seafarer’s Medical
This is the first of two Sea Phases designed to ensure that the Officer Cadet gains the practical experience to become a competent ship’s officer.
For most students, the first Sea Phase represents the beginning of their sea-going career and, as such, they will be expected to gain a full understanding of the vessel’s operations, safety awareness and discipline.
It should be understood that by the end of their second Sea Phase the Cadet must have accumulated at least twelve (12) months of sea time in order to meet the requirements of Transport Canada’s Marine Safety Directorate.
Students are expected to observe, learn, develop and adopt the high standards of professionalism expected of the ship’s officer.
WKTM 1102 (Sea Phase I).
Prerequisites - CMSK 1205 (Technical Communications II); MATH 1212 (NASC Mathematics); NASC 1204 (Seamanship II); ONGR 1201 (Meteorology I); PHYS 1104 (Physics) and Successful completion of all Technical Session 1 courses
Duration - Two months (subject to placement restrictions)
WKTM 1103 is designed to ensure that the student gains practical experience and begin development of the competency requirements of a Ship’s Engineering Officer. Each successfully completed work term is regarded as one course credit.
To meet the requirements for graduation from the Marine Engineering Diploma of Technology Program, the student must successfully complete a total of three (3) work terms.
Prerequisite - A valid seafarer’s medical certificate is required for sea service. In addition, the student must have successfully completed the following courses before acceptance in approved work terms: MREK 2209 (Marine Engineering Knowledge IV); WKPR 1200 (Fitting Shop II); WKPR 2113 (Welding Shop II); WKPR 2217 (Machine Shop III); SFTY 1114 (Basic Safety - STCW’95 VI/1); BSMG 3113 (PRM); SFTY 1102 (Marine Basic First Aid) (STCW A-VI/1-3); ENGR 1105 (Engineering Graphics); ENGR 1102 (Engineering Drawing)
Evaluation - Throughout this work term, students are required to learn, develop, and demonstrate the high standard of behavior and performance expected from a ship’s officer.
Students must complete a two-month work term (subject to placement restrictions) and achieve the articulated evaluation in order to meet WKTM 1103 requirements.
Additionally, in order to challenge the examination for certification as a fourth-class engineer, the graduate must successfully complete all three (3) work terms.
The completed latest edition of the "OnBoard Training Record Book for Engine Cadets" (ISF Training Record Book) as approved by TCMSS must be presented to the Program Chair for review and approval.
This work term is designed to ensure that the ROV/UV student gains the practical experience to become competent in ROV/UV related fields.
Students will be expected to gain a full understanding of safety awareness and discipline and are expected to observe, learn, develop and adopt the high standards of professionalism expected of an ROV/UV Technician or Technologist.
WKTM 1105
Prerequisites - All Technical Session 1 Courses; All Term 4 Courses; and All Technical Session 2 Courses
Duration - 320 hours minimum
This is the second of two Sea Phases designed to ensure that the Officer Cadet gains the practical experience to become a competent ship’s officer.
It should be understood that by the end of the second Sea Phase the student must have accumulated a minimum of twelve (12) months sea time in order to meet the requirements of the program and Transport Canada’s Marine Safety Directorate.
Without this sea experience the student cannot graduate.
Prerequisites - WKTM 1102 (Sea Phase I); MREK 2112 (Marine Engineering Knowledge I); NASC 2104 (Principles of Cargo Operations); NASC 2200 (Navigation); NARC 2202 (Ship Building); NASC 2209 (Navigation Safety); NASC 2213 (Electronic Positioning Systems 2 (EPS 2); NASC 3108 (Stability and all Technical Session 2 courses)
Duration - WKTM 2102 (Sea Phase II) covers a period of fifteen (15) months during which the student must get the balance of time required to fulfill the requirements for twelve (12) months sea time during the program.
WKTM 2103 is designed to ensure that the student gains practical experience and continue development of the competency requirements of a Ship’s Engineering Officer.
Each successfully completed work term is regarded as one course credit. To meet the requirements for graduation from the Marine Engineering Diploma of Technology Program, the student must successfully complete a total of three (3) work terms.
Prerequisites - A valid seafarer’s medical certificate is required. In addition, the student must have successfully completed the following courses before acceptance in approved work terms: MREK 3107 (Marine Engineering Knowledge V); WKTM 1103 (Work Term I).
Evaluation - Throughout this work term, students are required to learn, develop, and demonstrate the high standard of behavior and performance expected from a ship's officer. Students are expected to complete a full three-month work term and achieve the articulated evaluation to meet WKTM 2103 requirements. Any variance from this requirement can only occur in consultation with, and the approval of, the program chair and work term employer.
In addition to the school requirements as listed above, in order to challenge the examination for certification as a fourth-class engineer, the graduate must have accumulated a minimum of 180 days of Transport Canada certified sea time by the end of the third work term. The completed latest edition of the "OnBoard Training Record Book for Engine Cadets" (ISF Training Record Book) as approved by TCMSS (TP 13721) must be presented to the Program Chair for review and approval.
The work term provides students with an opportunity to learn, develop, and practice high standards of professional behaviour and performance while in the work environment.
WKTM 2106 (Work Term - Marine Environmental Technology).
Prerequisites - MENV 1102 (Marine Environmental); All Technical Session 1 Courses; All Term 4 courses
Duration - 8 weeks (Students are available from early June to the end of August)
WKTM 3103 is designed to ensure that the student gains practical experience and continue development of the competency requirements of a Ship’s Engineering Officer.
Each successfully completed work term is regarded as one course credit. To meet the requirements for graduation from the Marine Engineering Diploma of Technology Program, the student must successfully complete a total of three (3) work terms.
Prerequisite - A valid seafarer’s medical certificate is required. In addition, the student must have successfully completed the following course before acceptance in an approved work term: WKTM 2103 (Work Term 2).
Evaluation - Throughout this work term, students are required to learn, develop, and demonstrate the high standard of behavior and performance expected from a ship's officer. . Students are expected to complete a full three-month workterm and achieve the articulated evaluation to meet WKTM 3103 requirements. Any variance from this requirement can only occur in consultation with, and the approval of, the program chair and work term employer.
In addition to the school requirements as listed above, in order to challenge the examination for certification as a fourth-class engineer, the graduate must have accumulated a minimum of 180 days of Transport Canada certified sea time by the end of the third work term. The completed latest edition of the "OnBoard Training Record Book for Engine Cadets" (ISF Training Manual) as approved by TCMSS (TP 13721) must be presented to the Program Chair for review and approval.
This course will provide students with more practical experience in the environmental field and the opportunity to further develop industry related work skills.
WKTM 3300 (Professional Orientation).
Prerequisites - WKTM 2106 AND all courses listed in: Technical Sessions II and Terms 5 and 6
NOTE: The appropriateness of the professional orientation placement will be determined by the Placement Officer in consultation with the Program Chair.
This work term is designed to ensure that the Ocean Mapping student gains the practical and technical experience to become competent in the field of Ocean Mapping.
Students will be expected to gain a full understanding of the acquisition, analysis, dissemination and management processes associated with ocean data through the utilization of marine surveying equipment, remote sensing technologies, geographic information systems and oceanographic instrumentation.
Students are expected to observe, learn, develop and adopt the high standards of professionalism expected of an Ocean Mapping Graduate to better prepare them for an exciting and rewarding career within this sector.
WKTM 3302 (Work Term - Bachelor of Technology - Ocean Mapping)
Prerequisites - NASC 2107 ((Restricted Operator's Certificate - Maritime Commercial); SFTY 1102 (Marine Basic First Aid (STCW A-VI/1-3)); SFTY 1114(STCW Basic Safety - Regulations VI/1 & Code Section A.VI/1.2); and Either OMAP 2300 (Field Deployment and Data Collection) AND OMAP 2301 (Data Processing and Visualization) or OMAP 2302 (Ocean Mapping Field Camp II)
Schedule - 320 hours (minimum) or an approved number of sea days
The work term provides students with an opportunity to learn, develop, and practice high standards of professional behaviour and performance while in the work environment.
Where extenuating circumstances warrant and with the approval of the School Head, a student maybe granted permission to complete a Work Term Technical Project Report in lieu of a Work Term.
WKTM 4110 (Work Term - Water Quality)
Prerequisites - Terms One and Two - Advanced Diploma in Water Quality
Duration - 13 weeks
The work term provides students with an opportunity to learn, develop, and practice high standards of professional behaviour and performance while in the work environment.
Where extenuating circumstances warrant and with the approval of the School Head, a student maybe granted permission to complete a Work Term Technical Project Report in lieu of a Work Term.
WKTM 4111 (Work Term - Food Safety)
Prerequisites - Terms One and Two - Advanced Diploma in Food Safety
Duration - 13 weeks