2.0 Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificates Programs


These programs are governed by the Marine Institute Graduate Studies Committee. Application for admission must be made online.


2.1 Advanced Diploma Programs
2.1.1 Advanced Diploma - Food Safety


Program Overview: Refer to Food Safety Overview


Admission Requirements: Refer to Section 1.2.4 - Admission Requirements for Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate Programs of this Calendar.


Credential Awarded: Advanced Diploma – Food Safety


Program Length: 1 year (2 academic terms, 1 work term)


Normal Start: Fall


Tuition and Fees: Programs and Fees


Academic Department: School of Fisheries


Program Structure


Fall Semester

(13 weeks)

Winter Semester

(16 weeks)

Summer Semester

(13 weeks)

Term 1
BIOL 4104 (Food Microbiology)
CHEM 4102 (Food Chemistry)
FDTE 4105 (Food Hygiene and Food Safety)
FDTE 4111 (Food Processing)
STAT 4106 (Applied Statistics)
*TKPR 413A (Technical Project)

Term 2
BSMG 4111 (Fundamentals of Canadian Food Laws and Regulations)
BSMG 4112 (Management Principles)
FDTE 4102 (Food Inspection Techniques)
FDTE 4207 (FoodBorne Diseases/Toxicology)
*TKPR 413B (Technical Project)


NOTE: TKPR 413A/B must be completed sequentially in the same academic year


May – August

WKTM 4111

(Work term – Advanced Diploma in Food Safety)


These courses are delivered once the winter semester courses are complete (3 weeks)


FDTE 4208 (Regulatory Food Safety Systems (PCPs)
FDTE 4209 (Canned Foods and Thermal Processing)
FDTE 4210 (An Introduction to Food Manufacturing Food Safety Standards Approved by Global Food Safety Initiatives)


Program Regulations

1. The program is delivered on campus only.

2. Students must complete ALL courses in the table above.

3. A maximum of two transfer credit courses may be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

4. Students must obtain a minimum passing grade of 65% in each program course.

5. Students should refer to Section 7.3.2 – End of Term Academic Status and Program Continuance for Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate Programs of the Marine Institute Academic Calendar for regulations on progressing through the program.


2.1.2 Advanced Diploma - Water Quality


Program Overview: Refer to Water Quality Overview


Admission Requirements: Refer to Section 1.2.4 - Admission Requirements for Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate Programs of this Calendar.


Credit Earned: Advanced Diploma - Water Quality


Program Length: 1 year (2 academic terms, 1 work term)


Normal Start: Fall


Tuition and Fees: Programs and Fees


Academic Department: School of Fisheries


Program Structure


Fall Semester

(13 weeks)

Winter Semester

(15 weeks)

Summer Semester

(13 weeks)

Term 1
BIOL 4105 (Water and Wastewater Microbiological)
CHEM 4100 (Water Chemistry)
GEOG 4103 (Aquatic Systems)
GEOG 4200 (Geographic Information Systems)
STAT 4103 (Statistics - Water Quality)
*TKPR 415A (Technical Project)


Term 2
BSMG 4110 (Environmental Policy - Water Quality)
CHEM 4200 (Chemical and Analytical Methods)
FDTE 4110 (Introduction to Water and Wastewater Treatment)
GEOG 4100 (Remote Sensing)
*TKPR 415B (Technical Project)


NOTE: TKPR 415A/B must be completed sequentially in the same academic year


May – August

WKTM 4110

(Work term – Advanced Diploma in Water Quality)


These safety courses are delivered once the winter semester courses are complete (2 weeks)


SFTY 1125 (Small Vessel Operator Proficiency)
SFTY 1135 (Practical Boat Handling Skills)
SFTY 1136 (Small Non-Pleasure Domestic Vessel Basic Safety - SDV-BS)


Program Regulations


1. The program is delivered on campus only.

2. Students must complete ALL courses in the table above.

3. A maximum of two transfer credit courses may be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

4. Students must obtain a minimum passing grade of 65% in each program course.

5. Students should refer to Section 7.3.2 – End of Term Academic Status and Program Continuance for Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate Programs of the Marine Institute Academic Calendar for regulations on progressing through the program.


2.2 Post Graduate Certificate Programs
2.2.1 Post Graduate Certificate - Quality Management


Program Overview: Refer to Quality Management Overview


Admission Requirements: Refer to Section 1.2.4 - Admission Requirements for Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate Programs of this Calendar.


Credential Awarded: Post Graduate Certificate (Quality Management)


Normal Start: Fall or Winter Semester


Tuition and Fees: Programs and Fees


Academic Department: School of Fisheries


Program Structure


Core Course

Elective Courses

MIPG 4100M - Quality Management


MIPG 4101M - Technical Communication for Quality Management

MIPG 4103M - Technical Problem Solving

MIPG 4104M - Quality Assurance in the Food Industry

MIPG 4105M - Introduction to Process Control

MIPG 4106M - Project Management Fundamentals

MIPG 4108M - ISO Management Systems



Program Regulations


1. The program is delivered in an online format only.

2. Students must complete one core course and three electives as shown above.

3. A maximum of one transfer credit course may be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

4. Students must obtain a minimum passing grade of 65% in each program course.

5. Students should refer to Section 7.3.2 – End of Term Academic Status and Program Continuance for Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate Programs of the Marine Institute Academic Calendar for regulations on progressing through the program.