2.0 Financial Charges and Payment Related to Tuition and Other Fees


The fees and charges indicated herein are as of the date of printing. The Marine Institute reserves the right to make changes to the regulations, fees and charges listed below. Any questions concerning fees and charges should be directed to the Marine Institute Cashier’s Office at 155 Ridge Road, P.O. Box 4920, St. John’s, A1C 5R3 or by email at or by phone (709) 778-0466.


2.1 Tuition Fees and Other Charges


1. Application/Admission and Tuition/Associated fees for programs governed by the Marine Institute and Memorial University Undergraduate and Graduate Studies committees are listed in the table below. Tuition fees for all other programs and for students sponsored by Advanced Education and Skills Development (AES) can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar at .



Application/Admission Fees

Tuition/ Associated Fees

Advanced Diplomas, Diplomas of Technology, Technician Diploma, Technical Certificates, and Post-Graduate Certificate Programs

Application and Admission Fees (MI)

Tuition and Associated Fees (MI)


Undergraduate programs including Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Maritime Studies, and Undergraduate Leadership Certificate

Application and Admission Fees (MUN)


Tuition and Associated Fees (MUN)

Graduate programs including graduate diplomas, masters, and doctoral programs

Application and Admission Fees (MUN)

Tuition and Associated Fees (MUN)


2. Students completing Diploma of Technology programs may register for courses in the Bachelor of Technology (BTECH) or Bachelor of Maritime Studies (BMS) degree programs before being admitted to the program. Courses that comprise the degree program will be assessed fees based on the fee structure for Memorial University undergraduate programs as noted here. Students who have not yet been admitted to the BTECH or BMS program are restricted in the courses for which they may register. Students should contact for further information.


3. Fees associated with tuition include the following:

  • Student Services
  • Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)
  • Marine Institute Student Union (MISU)
  • Health and Dental
  • Recreation
  • Laboratory
  • Campus Renewal


4. A confirmation fee ensures that your place is reserved in the program and is applied towards your tuition. This non-refundable non-transferable fee is required from all applicants who are accepted, or conditionally accepted, to the following programs:



Confirmation Fee

Diploma of Technology – Marine Engineering

Diploma of Technology – Nautical Science

Confirmation Fee (MI)

Technical Certificate – Bridge Watch

Technical Certificate – Marine Diesel Mechanics

Technical Certificate – Fire Rescue


5.   Miscellaneous Fees and Charges



  • Students registered in Advanced Diplomas, Diplomas of Technology, Technician Diploma, Technical Certificates, and Post-Graduate Certificate Programs should refer to the table below.


Fees Applied to Student’s Account

Challenge Examination

A fee equivalent to the tuition for the course being challenged. Further information regarding challenge exams is provided in Section 5.2 - Academic Policies and Regulations.

Tuition and Other Fees


Re-Read of Examination

As per Section 6.4 – Examination Re-Reads of the Academic Policies and Regulations this fee is refunded only if the re-read results in the final course grade increasing by at least 5%.

Fees and Charges

Supplementary Examination

Students must apply to write a supplementary exam. Further information is provided in Section 6.5- Supplementary Examination Regulations of the Academic Calendar.

Charges Payable at the MI Cashier’s Office

Replacement of Certificate or Diploma

Fees and Charges


Replacement of Student ID Card


2.2 Information Governing Payment of Fees and Charges


1. Tuition fees, residence fees, student union fees and health/dental insurance are due once a student registers regardless of the method of registration and must be paid by the fee deadline to avoid a late payment penalty. All methods of payment can be found .


2. The payment deadline is the first day of lectures in the semester or session, including work terms.


3. Noncompliance with payment of fees and charges will be assessed a late payment fee as per Memorial University policy found here.


4. Students who have been awarded a scholarship, bursary, student loan or other similar award, may be permitted to have their payment deferred until they are in receipt of the award or Student Loan. To request such a deferral, students must contact the finance office at before the first day of lectures in the semester or session. Once loan documents are received by the Institute, all fees owing will be deducted from the student loan unless the student wishes to immediately pay by another method.


5. Students who will be sponsored by an employer, Advanced Education and Skills Development (AES), or any other agency are responsible for the payment to the Marine Institute of all related tuition and other fees. In cases where a sponsor wishes to be invoiced by the Marine Institute for tuition or other fees, written notification must be provided from the sponsor on or before the day the fees are due. Such notification must specify the fees being paid, and the amount that will be paid on the student's behalf.


6. Student accounts with outstanding balances for any reason will be ineligible to register for a subsequent semester until the outstanding balance has been paid in full. Furthermore, students with outstanding balances on their accounts will not be awarded their diploma or certificate, issued academic transcript of marks or letters confirming graduation status until the outstanding balance has been paid in full.


7. Financial Charges levied by the Finance and Administration Office include:





Late Registration

Financial Charges (MI)

See  for the last day to register and pay tuition and fees.


Students unable to register on their scheduled registration date due to a pending outcome of a supplementary exam, re-read of an exam, or verification of admission from the Registrar’s Office will not be subject to a late registration penalty.


Late Payment Penalty

Financial Charges (MI)

Except as outlined above, all overdue accounts will be subject to a late payment penalty.


Accounts outstanding on the last day of examinations in a semester/session will be charged interest which will be applied effective the first day of lectures in that semester.

Returned Cheque Charge

Financial Charges (MI)

A dishonored cheque charge will be made for each cheque tendered to the Marine Institute and not honored by the bank. Students with a dishonored cheque record must pay fees by cash, debit card, certified cheque, or money order.


8. Residence (Housing) and Meal Fees and Charges


All students are responsible for locating suitable accommodation for the duration of their studies. Information about Student Residence, located on the St. John's Campus, and the associated application, can be found on their website


2.3 Refund Policy

Refunds on some fees may be given if a student drops courses or programs according to the time limits listed below.



Academic Semesters, and Work Terms that are 8 weeks or longer


Technical Sessions, and Work Terms that are 4 weeks or less


Drop in the first 11 days of classes


Drop in the first 5 days of classes


Drop on Day 12 to Day 16


Drop on Day 6 to Day 8


Drop on Day 17 to Day 21


Drop on Day 9 to Day 10


Drop on Day 22 or beyond


Drop on Day 11 and beyond



Drop in the first 11 days of classes


Drop in the first 5 days of classes


Drop on Day 12 and beyond


Drop on Day 6 and beyond



2.4 Health and Dental Insurance


This section excludes international students and applies to Canadian Students only. All registered international students are automatically enrolled in the Foreign Health Insurance plan. International students should contact the International Student Coordinator in the Department of Academic and Student Affairs for health/dental insurance information. Information can also be found here.


1. All full-time Canadian students enrolled in Advanced Diploma, Diplomas of Technology, Technician Diploma, Technical Certificate, Bachelor of Technology, Bachelor of Maritime Studies, and Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership are automatically enrolled in the Marine Institute Student Union (MISU) health and dental plans. Information on these plans can be found here.


2. Health and dental plans for graduate students is administered by the Graduate Student Union (GSU) of MUN and can be found here.


3. Part-time students are not automatically enrolled in the health and dental plan but may opt into the plan within the first two weeks of lectures of each semester or technical session. Opt-in forms are available from the Registrar’s Office.


4. Students enrolled in another health/dental plan may apply to be excluded from the Marine Institute Student Union (MISU) plan by opting out here and by providing proof of existing coverage. Acceptable proof will include, but is not limited to, the name of the company providing coverage, policy number, and specific reference to coverage.


5. The opt-out deadline for students for any given academic term is two weeks after the first day of lectures as stated in the Academic Diary (provide link). Students who opt out of the health/dental plan in the Fall semester will automatically be opted out for the remainder of the academic year unless notification is made to the MISU to opt in.


6. The opt-in deadline for any given academic term is two weeks after the first day of lectures.


7. Coverage under the MISU student health/dental plan is on a yearly basis. Students choosing to opt out of the plan must do so at the beginning of each academic year.


8. Students on a long-term sea phase are automatically covered for health insurance only. If the long-term sea phase or work term begins before September 1st of any given year, it is the student’s responsibility to opt out of the plan at the beginning of September, if they wish to do so. Students must opt out within the first two weeks of the scheduled start date of their work term for their program. Student wishing to add dental coverage must fill out an opt-in form (available from the Registrar’s Office) during the first two weeks of lectures for each academic term.


9. Students who are entering a new academic semester following a work term, and who have opted out of the health care plan the previous semester, are also required to opt out of the dental plan for the new semester if they do not wish to have the dental coverage. The deadline for opting out of the plan is two weeks after the first day of lectures for that semester as stated in the Academic Diary.


10. Student registered for courses at both the St. John’s Campus and Marine Institute, must opt out of both plans if they do not wish to have that coverage.


11. Inquiries regarding the Health and Dental plans may be directed to