Marine Institute Entrance Scholarships




Eligibility Criteria


To be eligible for any Marine Institute Entrance Scholarship students must first meet all Marine Institute entrance requirements as outlined in the Marine Institute Calendar.


An MI Entrance Scholarship is awarded annually to undergraduate students based on their early admission average. This scholarship is an early acceptance scholarship, which means that scholarships are awarded based on students’ early admission average and guaranteed at the time students receive early acceptance into the Marine Institute. The amount of the award is guaranteed; it will remain the same regardless of whether a student’s final admission average is lower or higher than their early admission average.


Early admission average is calculated using the average of the best grades earned in a mathematics course, a science course, and an English course at the Level 2 (Grade 11) or Level 3 (Grade 12) level and is completed by the end of Level 2 (Grade 11). If a student completes both a Level 2 and a Level 3 course in the same area, the higher of the two grades is used to calculate the average. If a student completes more than one science course, the highest grade is used to calculate the average. Science 1206 is treated as a Level two course for the purpose of computing the average.


Scholarship Allocation


For domestic students, in the fall intake, the scholarship will be awarded for students with averages between 80% - 84.9% valued at $500.


For domestic students, the Marine Institute Entrance Scholarship will be offered until March 1st. Marine Institute Entrance Scholarships are a onetime non-renewable award. Students may receive only one internal entrance scholarship from Memorial University, either Transforming Our Horizons or a Marine Institute Entrance Scholarship. Any student in receipt of an externally funded entrance scholarship is still eligible to receive a MUN or MI entrance scholarship.




Entrance scholarships are to be awarded in the Fall Semester.


The MI entrance scholarships are open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents graduating from secondary school, who are admitted to the Marine Institute on the basis of high school grades and current entrance standards, and who meet the above outlined scholarship average. They are also open to students in the above category who may not be coming directly from high school. This is limited to those who have previously graduated from high school, are admitted to the Marine Institute on the basis of high school grades and current entrance standards, and who meet the above outline scholarship average.


Students who have previously attended other post-secondary institutions public or private, transfer students or mature students are not eligible for MI entrance scholarships.


A student who is awarded an MI entrance scholarship as a new matriculant does have the option to apply to defer the scholarship offer for one year. To defer a scholarship, the student must provide written documentation in the form of a letter to the scholarship administrator. The letter must detail the reasons for deferring the scholarship. All applications are reviewed by the scholarship committee.


Awarding of Scholarship


Scholarship payment will only be made after the last date to drop and add courses for that specific academic term as reflected in the proper academic diary. If a student drops below a full time course load in their first term of study, the scholarship offer will be revoked and no payment will be issued.