1. To request an Accommodation, students must first contact the Accessibility Officer.
2. Self-identifying with a Disability and requesting Accommodations sufficiently early. Although exceptions based on individual circumstances will be considered, Accommodations cannot be guaranteed for the current semester, session, course, work placement, event or activity, if students do not identify themselves in a timely manner as follows:
a. At least six weeks before semester course registration in the case of new students
b. At the start of each semester or session in the case of returning students.
c. As soon as possible, in the case of students who develop a disability, either permanently or temporarily, and students with a Disability whose needs change significantly during their time at the University.
d. At least two months in advance of a course, presentation, event or activity requiring sign language interpretation.
e. At least six months in advance of requiring special or additional resources not regularly available within the University.
f. At least six months in advance of required structural changes to existing premises.
g. At least two weeks before a scheduled in-class assignment or test.
h. Upon release of the final examination schedule.
i. At least one semester before convocation, for graduating students.
j. At least one semester before commencement of a work placement.
3. Students requesting Accommodations must provide documentation to Accessibility Services in accordance with the Procedure for Documentation Regarding a Student’s Accommodation Request. The Certificate of Disability is one type of documentation.
4. The Accessibility Officer will conduct an intake interview with the student.
5. The Accessibility Officer will prepare any documentation notifying the student's Instructors and other individuals in the applicable Units at the student’s request.
6. Following contact with Accessibility Services, students are encouraged to discuss their Academic Accommodation needs with their Instructors in light of the nature and requirements of the particular course, program or assignment. For Non-academic Accommodation needs, Accessibility Services will contact the applicable Unit(s) on behalf of the student for any necessary modifications to campus building(s), with student consent.
7. In the case of semester tests, the Accessibility Officer will assist the Instructor and student in making arrangements. To guarantee approved Accommodations, students must schedule in-class assignments or tests at least one week in advance. Students must inform the Accessibility Officer of any upcoming tests or assignments for which Accommodations are needed.
8. In the case of final exams, Accessibility Services will notify the Registrar’s Office of the students requiring accommodations. The Accessibility Officer will assist the student and the Instructor in making the arrangements for accommodated exams. To guarantee approved Accommodations students must schedule final examinations upon release of the final examination schedule.
9. Decisions regarding Academic Accommodations must be dealt with expeditiously because they may affect a student's admission, re-admission, or progress, in an ongoing course, program, work placement, or access to on campus housing or an activity. When an Accommodation request cannot be arranged, the Procedure when a Student Accommodation Request Cannot be Arranged may be followed.
Accessibility Services will check with the student at regular intervals throughout the term to ensure academic needs are being met.