You’re Invited – HAST Program Surveys
Dr. Arnault Le Bris is spearheading a research project entitled Spatial and temporal variance in the Halibut All-Sizes Tagging (HAST) program tag reporting rate. The purpose of the study is to develop and estimate (non-) reporting rates of recovered tags from directed surveys to inform the sensitivity analysis – how changes in assumed vs. actual reporting rates effect stock assessment outputs – by investigating observed versus unobserved reporting rates of tags. The survey will also seek to summarize the state of engagement, knowledge, and interest of the fishing community in the tagging program, and opinions about collaborative science research in general. Demographic information will also be requested from participants.
If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and personal experiences, participation will require 15-25 mins of your time via this link:
Questions can be answered over the phone with Research Assistant Chelsea Boaler. If you would prefer to conduct the survey questions over the phone, please send an e-mail to to arrange.
You must be 18+ years of age and participate in the Canadian Atlantic halibut fishery. Your participation is not a job requirement and will not be reported to others. Any questions or concerns, please direct them to the e-mail address above.
Thank-you in advance for your consideration.