Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Simulator

Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Simulator Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Simulator

Contact Facility Operator(s) :

Centre for Marine Simulation (CMS)   Contact Us

Facility Location : Ridge Road campus, St. John's

Commissioned in 2006, the remotely operated vehicle simulator is used to replicate the operations of offshore and military workclass vehicles. The control consoles are mounted in cubicles which approximate conditions on board the vessel.

Features of this simulator include:

  • Simulation software - GRI Simulations VROV
  • Schilling Robotics rate hand manipulator controllers
  • Titan Master 7 axis manipulator controller
  • Four onboard remotely operated vehicle (ROV) cameras
  • Digital Edge DVR dive recording and logging system
  • Integrated with both KPOS dynamic positioning and full mission ship's bridge simulators