Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources


The Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources (CSAR) is an applied research unit within the School of Fisheries at the Fisheries and Marine Institute, Memorial University.

Recognized as Canada’s experts in fish capture, our team has core strengths in fishing gear design and testing, conservation engineering, fisheries biology, fish capture behaviour, and mechanical engineering.CSAR main page image

The team uses a combination of numerical simulation, physical modelling in the flume tank, and at-sea comparative fishing experiments to improve sustainable fishing practices and profitability of commercial fishing enterprises.

This involves maximizing the value of the catch while at the same time reducing ecological impacts of fishing, such as bycatch of non-targeted animals, seabed impacts, fuel consumption, discarding, and ghost fishing of lost gears.

The team is also recognized for its expertise in fisheries development, including resource assessments of underutilized species. Documenting the abundance, distribution, and life history characteristics of new species of interest ensures that Canada’s emerging fisheries are established with excellent science advice.

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Research Video Series - Paul Winger