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International Students

Important Information for International Applicants

As noted in the recent announcement from the Government of Canada, as of January 22, 2024, every study permit application submitted will also require an attestation letter from a province or territory. Provinces and territories are expected to establish a process for issuing attestation letters to students by no later than March 31, 2024. We expect that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will share the details of this process with us as soon they are available and we will share the information publicly on our website.

Application Process and Timeline

Before Applying to MI

Research about studying in Canada by visiting the Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.

Explore MI Programs, application requirements and process.

*Note for potential Transport Canada certification programs applicants (Marine Engineering, Nautical Science, Bridge Watch and Marine Diesel Mechanics):

  • Transport Canada Certification
    • Students in our Transport Canada certification programs will be required to write a Transport Canada exam to be certified to work at sea. However, Transport Canada only certifies Canadian citizens and permanent residents. International students completing these programs at the Marine Institute will receive the Marine Institute credentials (i.e. Diploma of technology and Technical Certificate), but will have to write the certification examinations in their countries. Prior to applying to these programs, students should check with the maritime/transportation authority in their countries (equivalent to Transport Canada in Canada) regarding the certification process and to ensure our training is acceptable to them.
  • Work Term for Transport Canada Certification programs
    • Students are responsible for seeking their own placements with some assistance from the Office of Career Integrated Learning (OCIL) at MI. International students may have difficulty obtaining a work placement in Canada, in which case, students may be required to find work term placements in their home countries. These work terms must be approved by OCIL.

Explore MI through our website and social media (FacebookTwitter and Instagram).

Apply to MI

Submit online application, non-refundable application fee, supplementary documents by the appropriate deadlines.

*NOTE: We are not able to evaluate supporting documents or credentials before an application is submitted. 

Technical Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate Certificate Programs

Deadline: Apply as early as possible, March 1 for international students (*Applications received after this date will be assessed as resources and space allow).

All supporting documents (official transcripts and official test results) must be sent by the issuing or testing institution(s) DIRECTLY to the institute at one of the addresses below. *DUE TO COVID-19, we are currently accepting electronic documents sent from institution emails.

Mailing Address
Admissions, Office of the Registrar
Marine Institute
P.O. Box 4920
St. John’s, NL A1C 5R3

Courier Address
Admissions, Office of the Registrar
Marine Institute
155 Ridge Road
St. John’s, NL A1B 5E7
Email Address:

Undergraduate Certificate and Bachelor's Programs/Graduate Diploma Programs/Master's and PhD Programs

Deadline: Apply as early as possible; see specific program page for deadline.

See Apply Now for application instructions.

Language requirements for admission can be found in the academic calendars:

  • Technical Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post-Graduate Certificate Programs: MI Academic Calendar
  • Undergraduate Certificate and Bachelor's Programs/Graduate Diploma Programs/Master's and PhD Programs: MUN Calendar

If applicable, apply for advanced standing and transfer credits - more information is available in MI Academic Calendar or MUN Calendar.

Check online for application status updates regularly using the access information created during application.

If required, apply for On-Campus Housing.

Familiarize yourself with the immigration document(s) application process(es). Please refer to IRCC website for more details.

After Admission

I've been admitted. What's next?

Check your email for updates regarding your application, review the information carefully and follow the instructions outlined in the correspondence.

If admitted to in person programs, apply for the appropriate immigration/travel document(s) required for study in Canada RIGHT AWAY. For more information, consult the IRCC website. Review Memorial University Internationalization Office's Arrivals Information and follow the process once immigration/travel document(s) are approved.

Connect with MI International Student Coordinator for more info, questions and concerns.

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