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International Students

Fees and Payment

For the most up-to-date school fees, please visit the following sites

  • Technical Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Post-Graduate Certificate: Programs and Fees section under the Office of the Registrar at MI.
  • Bachelor, Graduate Diploma, Master's and Ph.D: Tuition and Fees section under the Financial and Administration Services at MUN.

Note: These fees are subject to change and you should check back periodically for updates. Tuition fees are expected to increase for undergraduate students in Fall 2022, see under "Tuition Fees and Charges 2022/23" here. Generally, the school fees listed do not include the cost of books and other school supplies.

School fees are usually due for payment on the FIRST DAY OF CLASS each semester. Please check the appropriate diary for actual fees payment deadline. Late payment fees apply if your fees are not paid by the deadline. For more information, please refer to the fees related sections of the MI Academic Calendar and the MUN calendar.

You may wish to make your first semester payment after you have confirmed your study permit and prior to your arrival, as it can take some time to set up a local bank account after you arrive.

Below are your payment options from overseas:

  • Convera (preferred)
  • Mail an international check, a money order, or a bank draft to: Cashier’s Office, Marine Institute, P.O. Box 4920, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5R3. Address it to “Memorial University of Newfoundland” and indicate your name, student number and program with your payment.
  • Once you have registered for the first semester, you will also have the option to pay your fees online through Self-Service using a credit card.

If you require a receipt, please email Pamela Butler.

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