Our Researchers

Dr. Paul Winger
(709) 778-0430
Research Areas:
Sustainable Fishing Technology, Fish Capture Behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Reducing Ecological Impacts of Fishing Bycatch, Seabed Impacts, Fuel Consumption

Dr. Winger is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources (CSAR) at the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. He holds a Ph.D. in fish behaviour and fishing gear technology and has published a number of papers in scientific journals. He has a broad knowledge of fisheries issues with extensive experience in the area of fishing gear innovation, particularly species- and size-selectivity of fishing gears, reducing bycatch and discard of unwanted species, impacts of fishing on the environment, and resource assessment of emerging fisheries.

To inquire on future opportunities, you may contact Dr. Winger directly.

  • Contributor to FISH 6001 ‘Ecology, management, and practice of North Atlantic fisheries’.

Significant Publications:

Einarsson, H.A., Cheng, Z., Bayse, S.M., Herrmann, B., and Winger, P.D. 2021.  Comparing the size selectivity of a novel T90 mesh codend to two conventional codends in the northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) trawl fishery. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 6: 382-392. View Online

Kebede, G.E., Winger, P.D., DeLouche, H., Legge, G., Cheng, Z., Kelly, D., and Einarsson, H. 2020. Flume tank evaluation of the hydrodynamic lift and drag of helix ropes compared to conventional ropes used in midwater trawls. Ocean Engineering, 106674. View Online

Nguyen, K.Q., and Winger, P.D. 2019. Artificial light in commercial industrialized fishing applications: a review. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 27: 106-126. View Online.

Winger, P., Munden, J.G., Nguyen, T.X., Grant, S.M., and Legge, G. 2017. Comparative fishing to evaluate the viability of an aligned footgear designed to reduce seabed contact in Northern shrimp bottom trawl fisheries. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75: 201-210. View Online.

Nguyen, K.Q., Winger, P.D., Morris, C., and Grant, S.M. 2017. Artificial lights improve the catchability of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) traps. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 2: 124-133. View Online.

Underwood, M.J., Winger, P.D., Fernö, A., and Engås, A. 2015. Behavior-dependent selectivity of yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) in the mouth of a commercial bottom trawl. Fishery Bulletin, 113: 430-441. View Online.

Winger, P.D., Legge, G., Batten, C., and Bishop, G. 2015. Evaluating potential biodegradable twines for use in the snow crab fishery off Newfoundland and Labrador. Fisheries Research, 161: 21-23. View Online.

Nguyen, T.X., Winger, P.D., Legge, G., Dawe, E.G., and Mullowney, D.R. 2014. Underwater observations of the behaviour of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) encountering a shrimp trawl off northeast Newfoundland. Fisheries Research, 156:9-13. View Online.