The Marine Institute scholarship program comprises scholarships, awards and bursaries that are internally administered. You will find on this page information on general guidelines; a link to our academic calendar pages summarising each scholarship, award and bursary; and, guidelines for awardings. Information on some external scholarships that Marine Institute students may be interested in learning more about is also provided on this page.
Scholarships and awards at the Marine Institute are awarded twice per academic year, typically in November and March.
The general scholarship and awards application is made available in the beginning of the Fall and Winter semesters and students must submit an application in the term they wish to be considered for scholarships and awards. Some scholarships and awards require additional information and application. A listing of these applications is also provided below.
In the Fall semester, students will be automatically assessed for the university’s entrance scholarships and no application is required for these entrance scholarships.
Scholarship and award eligibility guidelines can be found here.