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Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards

Fall Semester

Scholarships in the Fall semester are normally awarded based on entrance average or performance in previous academic years’ work.

To submit a general scholarship application students should:

  • be a registered full-time student in the current academic year;
  • have obtained at least a 70% average over the two terms of the preceding year;
  • have taken a full course load or no more than a one course reduction in the previous year (e.g. if a student in first year was required to take 17 courses over Term 1, Term 2, and Technical Session, they must have taken at least 16 courses);
  • have not failed or written supplementary exams in the courses being considered in the current scholarship competition.

A number of the scholarships, bursaries, and awards have additional requirements for eligibility and awarding.  Please see the “Descriptions of Available Scholarships, Bursaries, and Awards” for details.

Note: The Scholarship Committee reserves the right to award scholarships to students who have not applied. However, students who do not apply may not claim any right of consideration by the Institute.

Application Deadline [Fall]: due Friday September 27th, 2024, 5:00pm NST

Descriptions of Available Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards [Fall]

General Scholarship Application [Fall]

This application form is for scholarships, bursaries, and awards administered by the Marine Institute Scholarship Committee. Students need to submit one application to be considered for relevant scholarships. To ensure consideration for scholarships for which you may meet special requirements, please answer all questions carefully.

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