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Fall/2022 Enrolment Summary
Note: The data reported below was captured on November 3, 2022, following the last day to drop courses without academic prejudice in the Marine Institute Academic Calendar. There may be some slight differences in other published data, such as the Memorial University Factbook, as this data may be collected on different dates or using different definitions.
¹ Statistics on other equity-deserving groups are not specifically captured at this time.
² Diverse gender identities and expressions are not specifically captured at this time. The “Not Disclosed” category could include people who did not answer or those who identify with another gender identity.
Note: The data reported in the table below was captured on September 1, 2022 and includes enrolments during the period September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022.
¹ Enrolment in industrial response courses as of 2019/20 has been impacted by the COVID‐19 pandemic and related public‐health measures. Enrolment includes all course section registrations (i.e. if a student registers for two course sections, they will be counted twice) and includes students taking industrial response courses as part of their MI diploma or certificate program.
² Comparing enrolment in short courses to full-time undergraduate students requires calculating an Annual Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). This is done by comparing contact hours. A full-time undergraduate student at Memorial University has a minimum of 234 contact hours per year (13 weeks x 9 credit hours x 2 semesters). In short courses, each training day is seven contact hours. Industrial Response Annual FTE, therefore, is calculated as the total number of training days multiplied by seven and then divided by 234. For example, a five-day short course with 12 students is the equivalent of 1.79 Annual FTEs [(5*12*7) / 234] = 1.79].
2020/2021 Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates Awarded
Note: There may be some slight differences in other published data, such as the Memorial University Factbook, as this data may be collected on different dates or using different definitions.
2021/2022 Research Statistics
¹ Includes graduate students in Marine Institute research-based programs, as well as graduate students who are supervised or co-supervised by Marine Institute faculty but are registered in research-based programs in other Memorial University faculties.