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Safety and Emergency Response Training

Train at the SERT Centre in Stephenville, NL

Welcome to the SERT Centre

The SERT Centre offers specialized safety training and emergency response training courses in:

  • Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
  • Industrial Safety and Emergency Response Training
  • Firefighting
  • Fishing Industry and Small Boat Training

The SERT Centre has a modern training facility with a team of highly trained and experienced instructors. Its nationally certified training programs, unique training capabilities, location and ability to provide customized, site-specific training will assist you to optimize your training requirements.

The (SERT) Centre is a joint project of the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University and the Stephenville Dymond International Airport and operates as a satellite campus of the Marine Institute’s Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC).

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SERT Forms and Brochures

For more information, download our brochures and visit the following pages for applications:

SERT Brochure

SERT Overview

Industrial Safety and Emergency Response

Fire Rescue Technical Certificate


  • IFSAC, NFPA 1003 Level I & II Aircrash Firefighting and Rescue
  • Transport Canada, Marine Emergency Duties

Quality Assurance

As part of Memorial University, the largest university in Atlantic Canada, training courses developed by the SERT Centre are subject to rigorous academic scrutiny.

The majority of courses delivered at the Centre are also accredited or approved by national and international regulatory and other external approving agencies.

A team of qualified, experienced instructors and modern training equipment assures the quality of training delivery.

Additionally, the SERT Centre is part of the Marine Institute, which is an ISO 9001 accredited training organization, and subject to regular audits.

Contact Us

SERT is one of the premiere fire training facilities in Canada with the capability and equipment to provide Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting, Structural, Marine & Industrial Firefighting Training.

Randy Hart

Interim Assistant Director 709-834-2076 x0265


Stephenville, NL

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