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School of Maritime Studies

Research and Publications

The links below contain information on current research projects in the School of Maritime Studies and publications associated with various SMS activities.


Chanwoo Bae - Reducing Seabed Impacts of Bottom Trawls

Chanwoo is part of a team at CSAR investigating methods of Reducing Seabed Impacts of Bottom Trawls.

The research objectives are:

  • Develop and commercialize 4 innovative fishing trawls that can catch commercial quantities of fish/shellfish but with a reduced seabed impact compared to traditional bottom trawls
  • Using CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) Technology, new type of fishing gear is being designed
  • Cooperated with industrial partners, DFA, NSERC, ACOA and MI


2013 Into the Future: Challenges for MET in the 21st Century

Mercer, R., Cross, J., Tucker, J. & McCulloch, C., Eds. (2013). Into the Future: Challenges for MET in the 21st Century. 21st International Maritime Lecturers Association Conference: Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada.

ISBN: 978-0-88901-449-7

2012 Expanding Frontiers: Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Education and Training

Mercer, R., Cross, J. & McCulloch, C., Eds. (2012). Expanding Frontiers: Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Education and Training 13th Annual General Assembly, International Association of Maritime Universities: Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada.

ISBN: 978-0-88901-439-8

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