ICT Help Desk serves as our point of contact for all operational issues and general queries.
Located in room W2051 of the Marine Institute’s Ridge Road Campus
Telephone: 709-778-0628 Email: servicedesk@mi.mun.ca
Ask ICT Help Desk on Microsoft Teams (8:30am - 4:30pm)
It's time to start planning your future
Our Student Recruitment Office is your first point of contact to find out more about the Marine Institute.
The School of Maritime Studies will host a series of 12 weekly sessions, bringing industry partners to the Marine Institute to present innovative ideas, successful projects, lessons learned, and industry practices. All faculty and students are encouraged to attend.
Presentations will be held in Hampton Hall on Fridays at 1pm. There will be an opportunity at the end of each session for Q&A.
For event details visit www.mi.mun.ca/events.