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Marine Institute


Information and Updates


Rapid test kits available

Monday, December 5, 2022, 3:05 pm NT

As part of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador's initiative to distribute COVID-19 rapid antigen tests throughout the province, Memorial campuses province-wide have identified sites for distribution of test kits.

Kits will be available starting tomorrow, Dec. 6, and each kit contains five tests.

Additionally, as part of this program, the university is assisting with distribution of two boxes of test kits (10 tests total) to each of the nearly 2,300 students in residences.

Identification is not required to request a kit and individuals are not required to report test results to the university.

For more information on guidance if you test positive, please reference the provincial government's public health guidance.

Memorial continues to recommend individuals should remain home when sick.

News Archive

Masks no longer required in classrooms and laboratories

Wednesday, October 5, 2022, 9:00 am NDT

Effective immediately, masks are no longer required in classrooms and laboratories on Memorial’s campuses. Memorial strongly recommends that all members of the university community wear masks. The university will continue to provide masks in public spaces. Memorial strongly recommends that all members of the university community wear masks. The university will continue to provide masks in public spaces.

COVID-19 update: masks required in classrooms and labs

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 12:50 pm NT

As of Sept. 1, 2022, masks are required in classrooms and laboratories on all Memorial campuses, as well as in the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC), Health Services at Grenfell Campus and COVID-19 testing areas. Masks are also required in health care facilities operated by regional health authorities. Masks are strongly recommended, but not required in all public spaces.

Tuesday, May 30, 2022 4:06 pm NT

Memorial will end the requirement for masks on all campuses effective tomorrow, June 1. Similar to other public bodies, Memorial strongly recommends masks continue to be worn in buildings. Please be respectful of others’ choices.

Memorial is committed to providing masks for those who wish to wear one. Units are encouraged to stock disposable masks if a member of the community requires one. Three-ply and N95 masks can be requested through the Strategic Procurement Office at If you have questions regarding proper mask fit or related inquiries, please contact

Masks are still required in the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC) and when entering health care facilities.

Graduates and guests at this week’s convocation are still encouraged to wear masks, but they are not required.

Memorial is also suspending the Procedure for Vaccine Requirement on June 1 at 12:01 a.m.

Memorial’s leadership appreciates the cooperation and support of the campus community throughout the pandemic. This exceptional response has helped keep our campuses safe. Memorial will continue to monitor guidance, related legislation and epidemiology to guide any future decisions related to COVID-19 response.

Friday April 22, 2022 3:13 PM NT

The following message applies to all faculty, staff and students and all technical session activities, unless otherwise indicated in the safety or operational procedures of a course.

Memorial University is lifting some restrictions for the start of the spring 2022 semester across campuses but will be maintaining others while we continue to navigate the transition to pre-pandemic teaching and learning and operations across campuses.

Since the lifting of most pandemic restrictions in Newfoundland and Labrador in mid-March, there has been an anticipated increase of COVID-19 cases in the community and an increase in transmission. Memorial’s updated requirements consider our priority of safety for all, including those who are vulnerable. Maintaining some requirements will enable us to move through the semester with minimal interruptions to academic activities.

Please be considerate of those around you as we all adjust to changes and understand that not everyone has the same level of comfort when living with the risk of COVID-19. We ask everyone to be kind and follow the requirements.

Health and safety protocols may change at any time and adjustments will be communicated in a timely manner.

Note that Marine Institute and Faculty of Medicine semester dates and requirements differ, and students can expect to hear directly from their units regarding updates.

Capacity changes

Effective the start of the spring semester (May 9, 2022), capacity restrictions in classrooms and labs will be lifted. The limit on the number of people inside classroom and lab spaces will reflect the fire safety capacity for the rooms only.

Mask requirement

Masks will continue to be required indoors in public spaces and common areas, classrooms and laboratories. They can be removed for eating and/or drinking, and in cubicle areas and individual offices.

Vaccination requirement

Memorial’s vaccination requirement will continue. Students, staff and faculty at Memorial must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have an approved accommodation. This requirement aligns with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy and is subject to change based on changes to the government policy.

Rapid testing

The rapid testing service on the St. John’s campus and at Grenfell Campus will continue. Testing will be by appointment only and individuals should contact the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre for the latest details, locations and hours. Details on Grenfell Campus’ rapid testing program are available here.

Maintaining health and safety

Memorial is committed to the health and safety practices that have been proven to keep the community safe. Physical distancing, proper handwashing and sanitizing can help limit the spread of COVID-19.

Those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not come to campus. Doctors’ notes are not required for those who cannot attend class, exams or other evaluations due to COVID-19-related illness or symptoms. As always, students should inform their instructors promptly of absences so they can work together to ensure they can keep up with course work. Students will not be penalized if they need to stay home due to being ill with COVID-19.

As the weather gets warmer, members of the community are encouraged to use outdoor routes to move about campuses and take study and lunch breaks outside when possible.

March 14 university health and safety reminders

Thursday, March 10, 2022, 3:22 pm NT

As  a reminder, Memorial is maintaining a mask requirement until at least the end of the term. An exception to this is after March 14 in shared office spaces (cubicles) where masks will not be required while seated. Removal of masks will also be allowed if actively eating or drinking in classrooms, common spaces and meetings. Any future changes to masking requirements will be communicated.

In accordance with the public sector mandatory vaccine policy, Memorial’s procedure for vaccine requirement remains in place for staff, faculty and students. This will be reassessed for the university if there are changes to the public sector policy. Memorial continues to encourage individuals to get their COVID-19 booster shot and avail of the on-campus rapid testing.

Please remain at home if you are sick and symptomatic. A detailed table is available outlining updates to COVID-19 guidance for March 14. The changes outlined are dependent on the province moving to the next stage on Monday as Public Health is anticipating and subject to change based on university requirements, epidemiology, etc.

University updating COVID-19 protocols

Thursday, February 24, 2022, 2:27 pm NT

As the province begins to loosen COVID-19 regulations, Memorial is also making changes to COVID-19 protocols.

A detailed table is available outlining updates to COVID-19 guidance for the university as of Feb. 28 and March 14 respectively. This table provides guidance on masks, vaccines, teaching and learning, research, events, operations and more. The changes outlined are dependent on the province moving to the next stages as Public Health has proposed and subject to change based on university requirements, epidemiology, etc.

Memorial is following a gradual easing of restrictions with a focus on balance to ensure the remaining weeks of the winter semester remain as healthy, safe and successful as possible with a focus and commitment to support teaching and learning continuity. Some highlights from the table include:

  • Memorial is maintaining the mask requirement until at least the end of the term. An exception to this is after March 14 in shared office spaces (cubicles) where masks will not be required while seated. Removal of masks will also be allowed in classrooms, common spaces and meetings if actively eating or drinking. Any future changes to masking requirements will be communicated.
  • In accordance with the public sector mandatory vaccine policy, Memorial’s Procedure for Vaccine Requirement remains in place for staff, faculty and students. This will be reassessed for the university if there are changes  to the public sector policy.
  • Events are central to the university experience and the table details loosening of restrictions related to capacity and other requirements to support student engagement.
  • Memorial continues to encourage individuals to get their COVID-19 booster shot and avail of the on-campus rapid testing.
  • Remain at home if sick.

Guidance for final examination COVID-19 protocols will be communicated in the coming weeks.

We remain optimistic that in the coming months we will resume university operations to a level more resembling the pre-pandemic experience. In the interim, the pandemic has taught us to expect change and we are prepared to adapt these plans if required. As we learn to live with COVID in our communities, Memorial will continue to monitor and respond as required.


Staff return to campus set for Feb. 28

Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 3:16 pm NT

The message below is being shared on behalf of Dr. Florentine Strzelczyk, provost and vice-president (academic), and Kent Decker, vice-president (administration and finance)

Memorial has been monitoring the academic return to campus closely. At this time, we have determined Memorial is in a position to transition remaining remote staff back to campus. All Memorial employees are expected to return to work on campus by Monday, Feb. 28 unless already a part of the work from home pilot or have an approved accommodation.

Some employees may be required on campus earlier to support operational requirements, necessary services and Memorial’s core mandate. Any employee who would prefer to work on-campus before that date can discuss this request with their supervisor to make immediate arrangements. Some units may choose to stagger return to campus over time leading up to Feb. 28. All employees should work with their supervisor to determine their individual plan to return to campus.

We thank you for remaining nimble and dedicated to university operations. A special thank you goes to employees who have continued to work on our campuses since the pandemic either to support operations or because your jobs couldn’t be done from home. You have supported the university in an important way.

Campus-specific information is available for Grenfell Campus here and for the Marine Institute here. These sites are updated regularly.

If any employee needs support with moving equipment from home to office, please contact or 864-7600. At the Marine Institute, contact Facilities and Technical Services at At Grenfell Campus, please email to submit your request.

If you need support with IT equipment and setting up your campus office, please contact or 864-4595. At the Marine Institute, contact Information and Communication Technologies, For Grenfell Campus, contact ITS by entering a service desk ticket, sending an email to, or calling 639-2049.

On campus food services are open and more information for St. John’s campus can be found here. Check here for Grenfell Campus food services information.

Controls in place

The university continues to follow public health guidelines and has implemented measures to support a successful return to campus.

  • Access to on-campus rapid testing and boosters remain in place. For rapid testing info at Grenfell, please click here.
  • Three-ply masks are required at all times inside Memorial buildings except when actively eating or drinking, while in an office alone or while instructing when 6 feet distance can be maintained. Masks must be worn in cubicles.
  • Avoid eating and drinking in cubicles and shared work areas as much as possible.
  • Memorial’s density calculator, which is set at a density of 52 square feet per person, is applicable to determine maximum capacity of on-campus spaces outside of the academic environment. NL VaxPass remains in effect when required.
  • Meetings should remain virtual where possible and some units may continue providing services virtually. Where in person meetings are required, density and mask requirements remain in place.
  • Complete the daily self-assessment (also available in the MUNSafe app) before coming to campus, review and follow all posted signage, maintain physical distancing, and wash or sanitize hands on a regular basis.
  • Stay home when sick.
  • Report using the disclosure form in the MUN Safe App if you have had close contacts at work and you have tested positive for COVID-19 in accordance with Public Health advice. This will assist in notification.

Guidance for COVID-19 exposure on campus can be found here. As well, Memorial encourages faculty, staff and students to download the COVID Alert app to help protect yourself and others. The app is designed to let Canadians know whether they may have been exposed to COVID-19.

Guidance for temporary work from home to address two particular scenarios encountered since the pandemic can be found here. These scenarios include: individuals who do not meet the screening criteria of the self-assessment; or individuals who are parents or guardians of pre-school or school-aged children who are themselves healthy, but their child doesn’t meet school screening protocols and require supervision at home.

Much like the province has done moving away from alert levels, Memorial is moving away from a COVID-19 impact scale toward protocol statements addressing current controls within operational areas. Additional information can be found here.

Business Continuity

Leading up to Feb. 28, units should review and update their business continuity plans. Units should consider if their plans account for interruptions due to high employee absences for up to 10 days.

The situation regarding COVID-19 continues to evolve. As we adapt to learning to live with COVID in our communities, Memorial will monitor cases, provincial epidemiology and new relevant data and respond as required.

Information on January 31 Return to Campus

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022, 8:51 pm NT

As announced last week, Memorial will return to in-person teaching and learning effective Monday, Jan. 31. Over the past few days we have heard from students, faculty and staff expressing many perspectives and feelings on the decision – from apprehension and concern to relief and excitement, and all that falls in the middle.

We recognize that the return to campus is causing concern for some, and hope that the following information is helpful for all who have questions. These decisions were not easy or made lightly. Please read through the sections that pertain to you as there is a great amount of detail.

Nearly two years into the pandemic, it is imperative that we do everything we can to provide students with fulfilling in-person learning opportunities on all our campuses to meet educational outcomes. Many students have missed out on invaluable in-person learning experiences and co-curricular learning experiences, and some have experienced the loss of connection to peers.

The health and safety of our community is our priority. We have been working very closely with Public Health since the beginning of the pandemic and all major decisions have been informed by its input and general guidance.

Memorial is fortunate to have very high a vaccination rate with 98 per cent of students and employees vaccinated against COVID-19. This positions us well for a return to on-campus instruction. The decision to return to in-person learning also aligns with other Atlantic Canadian universities that are planning to return to in-person instruction on or before Jan. 31; and the province’s K-12 school system, which resumed in-person instruction on  Jan. 25.

This update contains the following:

Preventing COVID-19 transmission on campus - mask update

The best way to prevent COVID-19 spread is with layered protection, and this is consistent with the approach Memorial has taken with the vaccine mandate, mandatory three-ply masks, asymptomatic rapid testing, wastewater testing, density requirements, cleaning and hygiene, and ventilation standards for classrooms and labs.

Memorial is updating the mask mandate with the requirement that a well-fitting, three-ply non-medical mask be worn at all times in classrooms, labs and in clinical and practicum settings. Masks cannot be lowered in these rooms for drinking or eating. Drinking and eating must be done outside the teaching and learning environment in designated areas where distancing can be maintained to ensure that everyone is protected as much as possible. Designated areas for eating at each campus will be communicated by the respective campus. Students may choose to wear their own N95 or KN95 masks. Note that the effectiveness of an N95 mask depends on whether or not the wearer has been properly fitted. Masks are not required when in an office or study room alone.

Anyone who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 cannot come to any of Memorial’s campuses or facilities. Students and employees are expected to use the COVID-19 self-assessment in the MUN Safe app prior to coming to campus each day. Please note that class and labmates, who are wearing masks for all interactions, are not considered close contacts.

Post-secondary institutions are exempt from the Public Health guidelines for gathering size, given the extensive controls in place and the classification of schools as essential activities. Classrooms are considered low risk and Memorial has kept capacity levels to fall 2021 levels. Activities that are higher risk are dealt with by looking at the existing health and safety recommendations and requirements from Public Health. With bigger classes online, traffic is minimized in hallways and other areas.

Members of the university are also encouraged to consider getting booster vaccinations to enhance protection.

Course drop deadline extension

Those who may wish to drop a course as a result of the return to in-person learning have until 11:59 p.m.(NST) Sunday, Jan. 30, to drop and receive a 100 per cent refund. This can be completed through Memorial Self-Service. The 50 per cent refund date will be adjusted to Feb. 6 and the 25 per cent refund date will be adjusted to Feb 13. Classes where seats remain available may also be added with instructor and department head approval. For any student that dropped a course after the original deadline, the university will process a refund. Students who are considering adding a course to their course schedules are encouraged to do so as soon as possible through a course change form.

Marine Institute students are encouraged to contact for questions on courses.

Class flexibility and informal accommodations

Students who are immunocompromised or live with individuals who are immunocompromised and who choose not to attend in-person classes due to personal health risks can discuss potential informal accommodations with instructors on a course-by-course basis. In courses where attendance is required and has been approved by Senate, instructors are encouraged to be flexible and consider alternate means for students to meet requirements of attendance and/or participation.

If a student is unable to reach an instructor or come to a reasonable solution, they should contact the department head/program chair/associate dean/dean who is responsible for the course.  At Grenfell Campus, students can contact At the Marine Institute, students can contact and at the St. John’s campus, students can contact Students are not required to submit medical documentation if they cannot come to class due to illness that is related to COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic.

Instructors are encouraged to work with students requesting informal accommodations to ensure they are able to progress through their courses. If accommodations cannot be provided because of specific learning outcomes, students can drop courses throughout the semester.

To enable informal accommodations, instructors can plan for instructional flexibility by:

  • adding Webex meetings to courses in Brightspace;
  • adapting remote teaching materials from the prior academic year for in-person teaching this winter schedule
  • sharing class recordings if in a lecture-capture classroom;
  • sharing slide presentations in PDF format;
  • and audio recording lectures on a smartphone for posting and sharing in Brightspace.

There are a variety of solutions for scenarios where students cannot attend in-person classes. The Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning has created resources and supports to assist instructors in planning for such scenarios. Further information is available on the CITL Instructional Continuity website. CITL staff are available to support instructors during this time and also to help instructors identify the right solutions to assist with accommodating students who may not be able to come to campus due to COVID-19. Academic staff are reminded of the following resources and hands-on supports:

Support Centre - Available during extended evening and weekend hours for inquiries related to teaching and learning, technical support for learning technologies and examinations for online courses. Also connects visitors to other CITL staff, services and resources.

Learning Technology Coaches - Coaches support instructors with the implementation of learning technologies for instruction, such as Brightspace and Webex.

Classroom Support - For instructors teaching on campus, Classroom Support offices will be open and will provide frontline support for instructors who need assistance with existing technology in classrooms and learning spaces on the St. John’s campus. For support with multimedia and audiovisual technologies in the classroom, email For classroom support at MI, email At Grenfell Campus, please contact or

Guidance for COVID-19 exposure

The current Public Health guidance around contact tracing is changing based on the provincial update on Jan. 20. The current definition of a close contact for the purposes of contact tracing are individuals within a household with confirmed COVID-19 or with whom interactions occurred without masks (like while eating or drinking) or during sports.

If an individual has tested positive, Public Health guidance advises them to notify close contacts. Individuals are asked to keep track of people with whom they interact when not wearing a mask. Advice for individuals who have been exposed can be found here.

Students living in residence should immediately contact Student Housing at your campus for help and support. At Grenfell Campus, call  637-6266. In St. John’s, email

If an individual has tested positive for COVID-19 either through testing or being a close contact with symptoms, and requires assistance with on-campus close contact notification (unmasked), a reporting form is available in MUN Safe to request assistance.  Risk is determined by level of personal protective equipment, time, space and place. Most university operations would not present conditions for close contact, including classrooms, due to the controls in place. Please contact for further advice. During this process, medical information or an individual’s COVID-19 diagnosis will be treated in accordance with best practices for information protection and privacy.

If close contacts are identified, the Office of the Chief Risk Officer will issue letters of advice to units advising them an employee/student has tested positive for COVID-19. It will include:

  • Instructions for contact notification letters
  • Contacting 8-1-1 for potential PCR tests based on Public Health advice (when applicable); and
  • Testing process prior to return to campus

If there are close contacts identified in the workplace, it is the unit’s responsibility to provide a list to the OCRO.

If staff are required to isolate, they can work from home if they are well enough, their work is able to be completed remotely and they have their supervisor’s approval. As individuals are notified, it is important that supervisors are cognisant of business continuity and address how a five to seven day absence could impact operations.

Students who must isolate due to COVID-19 requirements should contact their instructors directly regarding their absence and any required accommodations. This information should be treated as confidential. If a student is unable to reach an instructor, students should contact the department head who is responsible for the course. Memorial will make every effort to ensure that all students are able to progress successfully through their course work despite potential challenges associated with COVID-19.

Faculty, staff and students should also download the COVID Alert app, which is designed to let Canadians know whether they may have been exposed to COVID-19. You will be alerted by the COVID Alert app if you come in contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19.

Course assessments for the winter 2022 semester

Based on current Public Health guidelines, we expect that on-campus mid-term and final exams/assessments can be held in person provided:

  • They are held in groups of 99 or fewer, invigilators included (e.g., students split between two or more rooms); and
  • An alternative assessment is readily made available to students who cannot attend in-person and may require accommodation (e.g., remote and attending classes in another location, isolation, immunocompromised, etc.)

All instructors are encouraged to review the below selection of resources that CITL has created to inform alternate ways to assess students.

End-of-course Assessment Options

Assessments: Balancing learning, feedback and workload

Open Book Assessments

Quiz Design for Accessibility

Sharing information

We will share further updates, and important reminders about our safety plan, ahead of returning to campus at the end of the month. Memorial is prepared to change or adjust this decision at any time based on new or changing information.

Campus-specific information is available for Grenfell Campus here and for the Marine Institute here. These sites are updated regularly.

For answers to additional questions, please visit our COVID website. If you cannot find an answer, please reach out to your academic unit or instructor with academic questions and to with health and safety concerns. For international students, please reach out to or for support, questions and concerns.

For information about services to students and the Academic Student Success Centre, visit


Marine Institute update for Winter semester 2022 plans for students and employees

Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 2:32 pm NT

Today, Memorial University announced a revision to its Winter Semester 2022 operations, effective Jan. 31.

The Marine Institute has updated its Winter semester 2022 plans in line with these revisions.

For students and academic staff members

All students and academic staff members should continue to plan to return to campus for in-person classes on Jan. 31, 2022.

The Marine Institute began the gradual resumption of on-campus activity on Jan. 17 for select student groups, industrial training and for those students who are required to be on campus for essential practical components.

The final exam schedule for supplementary and deferred exams has been posted and these exams are scheduled to be written on campus January 24 and 25.

Students are encouraged to please contact for help with your questions or concerns.

For Non-academic Staff

Each unit will develop staffing schedules to keep campus densities low while supporting teaching and learning activities of the university. Employees who are required to be on campus to support academic operations should plan to return on Monday, Jan. 24.

While this guidance is slightly different than what was shared at the Employee Town Hall on Jan. 17, the change was made based on feedback and operational requirements.

Health and Safety

As a community, we all have a role in maintaining a safe campus. In addition to following the Institute’s health and safety measures, student and employees should:

  • Complete a daily self-assessment: Use the COVID-19 daily self-assessment on the MUN SAFE app. Avoid contact with people who are sick. Stay home if you are sick. While on campus, be alert for symptoms. If you feel unwell, notify your supervisor or instructor, follow Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health advice and complete the COVID-19 self-assessment (
  • Stay informed. Visit regularly for key updates, the latest news and learn what resources or safety protocols apply to you.
  • Schedule a vaccine booster: Memorial encourages all faculty, staff and students to get a booster 22 weeks after their second vaccination. Memorial is considering adding a requirement for booster shots to the vaccine mandate, based on Public Heath requirements and guidance. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Thank you for your continued perseverance and cooperation over these past few weeks. We will share updates with you regularly on as we navigate our Winter 2022 semester together.



Winter 2022 Update – On-Campus Activity and Postponed Exams Rescheduled

Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 3:47 pm NT

The Marine Institute continues to monitor the current provincial alert level and review our operational plans for the delivery of the Winter 2022 semester.

As announced last week, the Marine Institute is preparing for the gradual resumption of on-campus activity on Monday, January 17, for select student groups.

The following programs will be conducted fully on campus starting on Monday, January 17:

  • Technical Certificate in Bridge Watch
  • Technical Certificate in Marine Diesel Mechanics
  • Fishing Masters (MI Ridge Road campus only)

Industrial training at the Centre for Marine Simulation and our Offshore Safety and Survival Centre is also scheduled to begin on January 17.

Several other programs across our three academic schools will require students to come on campus for essential practical components starting on Jan. 17. Students in those programs will be communicated with directly by their program chairs today. Each academic school has developed specific plans for the remote or blended delivery for each of their programs and we will be updating our students, faculty and staff regularly. Students should check their MI email for updates on the Winter 2022 semester from their program chairs and/or Student Affairs.

Supplementary and deferred exams will be written on campus on January 24 and 25. The final exam schedule will be posted on on January 17.

Research personnel should contact their centre director for further updates regarding fieldwork.

Our priority since the start of the pandemic has always been, and remains, the health and safety of our campus community.  The Institute is continuing to implement its health and safety plans which incorporate density requirements, PPE requirements and enhanced cleaning protocols for the individual and collective well-being our students, clients and employees.

We will continue to communicate with you as this situation evolves. Please check for the latest updates and students are encouraged to email with any questions or concerns.



Winter Semester 2022 – Update from Dr. Robert Shea, VP, Memorial University (Marine Institute)

Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 7:09 pm NT

Happy New Year to all of you and your family and friends!

A snow day on the first day back from the holiday break and the province’s move to Alert Level 4 is not exactly the way I thought this year would start. However, the Marine Institute community is resilient and you have shown that time and time again over the past 22 months. I have no doubt we will face these next few weeks’ head on as well.

As you know, the start of the Winter semester is postponed until Jan. 10 as we move to a blended delivery format until Jan. 31.

Our senior leadership at Memorial and MI are working diligently to review our operations and other plans given the recent change in Alert levels and the prevalence of COVID-19 across the province. Please be sure to read Dr. Florentine Strzelczyk’s message to the Memorial University community for important updates for students and employees about the Winter 2022 semester.

Last week out of an abundance of caution, and before we moved to Alert Level 4, we postponed industry training at the OSSC for this week.

Today, we are further postponing industry training and on-campus student activity at all Marine Institute locations until January 17. We are committed to providing our faculty, staff, students and clients with timely information and will be reviewing this decision next Monday, Jan. 10.

Please check our website regularly for the latest updates as they become available.

As we have done for the past 22 months during this pandemic, the health and safety of all staff, students and faculty is our number one priority.

I understand that all of these changes are not how we wanted to start 2022. However, as we continue to navigate this pandemic, our ability to come together as a community is important. We pivoted and swiveled many times last year to ensure that our students continued their studies and our research and training continued. This was due to the collective effort of YOU, our MI community, focusing on our goals and working together. I thank you for that and know we can do it again!

In the meantime, you can refer to the key contacts available online for assistance and also email with any immediate questions or concerns.

Until then, please look after yourselves and stay safe. Thank you for supporting each other and remember we are here to support you.

We look forward to providing updates on our COVID-19 website as soon as we know more.

Winter 2022 Update

Wednesday, December 22, 2021, 4:39 pm NT
(updated Tuesday, Jan 4, 2022 9:09 am NDT)

The Fisheries and Marine Institute will modify our approach to the start of the Winter 2022 semester.

  • MI will delay the official start of its Winter 2022 semester to Monday, Jan. 10, 2022, for students in all programs.
  • While the semester is delayed, the Institute will open on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2022, to provide employees with additional time to prepare for remote and on-campus course delivery.  Employees should consult with their manager regarding remote work.
  • Dependent on public health guidance in Newfoundland and Labrador and risk assessments, in-person teaching will resume Monday, Jan. 31.

For Students

Until Jan. 31, programs will be offered in a blended delivery format. Each school has developed specific plans for each program in the table below.

Some programs will be held remotely while essential components, such as labs, shops and technical training, will take place on campus, with appropriate health and safety measures in place, to ensure students can meet the academic requirements of their programs.

NOTE: The modified delivery measures that are being implemented are from January 10th – January 31st, 2022. It is our plan that after that date we will resume full on campus activities.

 Winter 2022 Semester (Until Jan. 31, 2022)
School/ProgramRemote DeliveryEssential On-Campus Components
School of Maritime Studies    
Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Systems Design    
Term 2 X  
Term 4 X  
Term 6 X  
Nautical Science    
Term 2   X
Term 4   X
Term 6   X
Marine Engineering Technology    
Term 2   X
Term 4   X
Term 7   X
Bridge Watch    
Term 2   X
Marine Diesel Mechanic    
Term 2   X
Fire Rescue    
Term 2   X
School of Ocean Technology    
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV)/ Underwater Vehicles (UV)    
Term 2   X
Term 4   X
Term 6   X
Ocean Mapping    
Ocean Mapping T2   X
Ocean Mapping T4   X
Ocean Mapping T6   X
Master of Applied Ocean Technology   X
School of Fisheries    
Marine Environmental    
Term 2   X
Term 4   X
Term 6   X
Advanced Diplomas    
Water Quality   X
Food Safety   X
Sustainable Aquaculture   X

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact and refer to the Marine Institute’s COVID-19 website for updates.

For Employees

If employees are not required to be on campus, they should work from home until Jan. 10, 2022 as per Alert Level 3. Please bring home any equipment needed to do your job from home effectively. Employees should consult with their managers.

For Industry clients

Industry clients should consult with our industrial centres or Register’s Office for specific updates on their courses and for questions or concerns.

  • Fishing Masters courses will take place on campus starting Jan. 10.
  • School of Maritime Studies industrial courses will begin on campus starting Jan. 10.
  • Centre for Marine Simulation courses will start Jan. 4.
  • Safety and Emergency Response Training (SERT) industrial courses will start Jan. 4.
  • Offshore Safety and Survival Centre courses will start on Jan. 10 with remote and on-campus delivery. Please contact the OSSC for specific course delivery schedules. (updated Jan 4, 2022).
  • Community-Based Education Delivery (CBED) courses - Course delivery schedules may change based on the travel restrictions within Newfoundland and Labrador and with other provinces.

Student and Employee Supports

Please reach out for help if you need it.  As always if you have any questions or concerns, please email We are here to help.

Student Wellness and Counselling Centre resources can also be found here, and employee resources are available here.

To our students and your families, thank you for your patience and perseverance as we navigate these next few weeks together.

To all employees who are maintaining a safe campus for us, thank you for your commitment to helping our students and each other and for staying strong.

Thank you, everyone, for your ongoing commitment to health and safety and we encourage you to take the advice of provincial health authorities during the holiday season and going forward. Please look after yourselves and stay safe.

Winter 2022 Semester - a message from Dr. Florentine Strzelczyk

Memorial is planning for Winter 2022 in-person university activities to return to mainly pre-pandemic conditions.


NL VaxPass at Marine Institute

Sunday, October 24, 2021, 12:17 pma, NDT

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has introduced the NL VaxPass.

Some activities at Memorial now require COVID-19 vaccination record checks for an individual’s access to venues or spaces. More information on the provincial program, guidance and requirements are available online. You can also learn more about downloading the VaxPass here.

VaxPass use

When the NL VaxPass is required individuals should be aware that testing exemptions are not accepted and only Health Canada approved vaccines are approved under the NL VaxPass program.

In accordance with the NL Vaccine Passport, fully vaccinated is defined as: when at least two weeks have passed since an individual’s second dose, or first dose of a one-dose COVID-19 vaccine, of an approved Health Canada vaccine.

You are also considered fully vaccinated if you received one or two doses of a non-Health Canada approved COVID-19 vaccine, followed by one dose of an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), and at least two weeks has passed since the mRNA dose. Memorial will be updating its current vaccination procedure to align with Public Health advice.


Individuals who do not have an MCP card cannot obtain a COVID-19 vaccination record QR code at this time.  Individuals in this circumstance would need to use physical or electronic copy of vaccine records along with a photo identification or two pieces of other identification.

Effective as of Oct 22, 2021, Marine Institute employees and students are required to show their VaxPass or proof of vaccination along with identification to access the Marine Institute cafeteria as well as the gymnasium.

You will not be required to show the VaxPass to access the Marine Institute bookstore or the bus service.

Individuals participating in a short term course, or industry courses that are non-credit courses, are required to show proof of vaccination, or a PCR test result within 72 hours of the start of the course (at the individual’s expense), and meet the requirements of Memorial University’s COVID-19 testing program.

Additional identification required

When checking the NL VaxPass, paper or electronic copies of vaccine records, additional identification is required. Your name on your identification must match the name on your proof of vaccination. If it does not, a second piece of identification may be required.

Acceptable identification to confirm the name on the vaccine record is:

Age GroupID requirementsExamples

One piece with name, date of birth, and photo


Two pieces with name and date of birth

  • Driver’s license
  • Government Identification Card
  • Passport
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status
  • Student identification (ID) card
  • Birth certificate and MCP Card
Name, date of birth
  • Birth certificate
  • MCP Card
  • Photo identification noted above

Food services

It is the food vendor’s responsibility at the time of order, to confirm that vaccine requirements have been met. Vaccine requirements may be checked at the entry point of a facility.

Need help?

For the best advice and help with downloading the NL Vaccine Passport visit this government website for guidance.

This is a fluid and dynamic situation, and policy is still being developed and implemented for the province and the university. This information is subject to change based on public health, special measures orders, epidemiology and the risk of COVID-19.

Secure Vaccine Declaration Form

Friday, August 27, 2021, 4:49 pm NDT

Memorial will launch the secure vaccine declaration form for students, faculty and staff within a week, which will be accessible on our website. This form will also include the process for requesting exemptions to the vaccine mandate. As a reminder, first doses of the vaccine are required by Sept. 7 and second doses are required by Oct. 15, 2021.

To get vaccinated, please find on-campus vaccine clinic information or regional health clinic information on our website. If you are in the St. John’s area this weekend, you can avail of a free pop up COVID-19 vaccination clinic (no appointments required) at the Scotia Centre on Water Street in St. John’s, Saturday, Aug. 28, from 12 p.m.-4 p.m.

Residents of Newfoundland and Labrador who have received the COVID-19 vaccine can access their COVID-19 vaccination record online.

The Memorial experience is about a vibrant, engaged campus community coming together to advance teaching, learning and research. This cannot happen without collaboration, consultation and action to live up to our strategic plan, Transforming our Horizons. This plan specifically calls for Memorial to prioritize care, wellbeing and support for students, faculty and staff and recognizes our commitment to the communities in which we operate.


Mandatory mask and vaccination requirements

Monday, August 23, 2021, 9:10 am NDT

Memorial University is excited to soon welcome all students, faculty and staff back to its campuses.

The Memorial experience is about a vibrant, engaged campus community coming together to advance teaching, learning and research. This cannot happen without collaboration, consultation and action to live up to the aspirations of our strategic plan, Transforming our Horizons. This plan specifically calls for Memorial to prioritize care, wellbeing and support for students, faculty and staff and recognizes our commitment to the communities in which we operate.

As a part of this commitment and our shared responsibility to keep each other and our extended families safe during the upcoming school year, we are implementing two new measures for the university community:

  • COVID-19 vaccines are required for all students, faculty and staff.
  • As of Aug. 23, masks will be required on all Memorial campuses in all indoor spaces.

More information related to the details of these measures will be shared as soon as possible. This includes the deadline for first and second vaccination doses and the process for exceptions based on medical, religious or cultural reasons for those that are unable or unwilling. More information will also be shared soon on the process by which Memorial will be requesting vaccination information.

Details on how to get a vaccination, on and off campus, are available online. The Student Wellness and Counselling Centre and the School of Pharmacy Medication Therapy Services Clinic can also address concerns or questions that individuals may have about vaccinations.


Thank you to the members of our community who provided feedback in the recent consultation on mask usage at Memorial. The consultation showed the overwhelming majority of respondents support this course of action.

Non-medical masks will be mandatory beginning on Aug. 23 for faculty, staff, students and visitors. These must be worn in public spaces and common areas or any time a two-metre physical distance cannot be maintained. This applies in classrooms and laboratories, while at university facilities or while conducting Memorial business off-campus. Masks are not required in student residence rooms, offices or cubicles, or while seated to eat or drink. Instructors able to maintain two-metre physical distancing will be able to teach with a mask off.

Exceptions to the mask requirement may be made for medical, trauma-based, religious and cultural grounds. In some courses or programs, where specific learning outcomes would be inhibited by a mask, there may be exceptions based on an approved health and safety plan. More information is forthcoming about the process for exceptions.

Work is ongoing to develop guidelines and resources to help students, faculty and staff navigate this changing environment. Please continue to refer to Memorial’s COVID-19 website for up-to-date information.

Return to campus update

Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 12:00 pm NDT

In anticipation of the July 13 return to campus for staff, this is an update to help prepare. All employees should discuss plans for return to campus with their supervisors. The return to campuses supports the province’s overall Together Again reopening plan.

Return to Work From Campus Set For July 13

Tuesday, June 1, 2021, 1:00 pm NDT

To support the return to primarily in-person teaching and learning for fall semester 2021, all Memorial employees are expected to return to work on campus by Tuesday, July 13.

Some employees may be required on campus earlier to support operational requirements, necessary services and Memorial’s core mandate.

“The provincial COVID-19 vaccination campaign is moving along and a majority of residents have received at least one dose,” said Provost Dr. Mark Abrahams. “The university continues to follow all public health guidelines and has implemented measures to ensure the return to campus is a positive experience.”

At this time, all employees should work with their supervisor to determine their individual plan to return to campus.

Necessary precautions

Memorial’s density calculator will be used to determine maximum capacity of on-campus spaces.

If any employee needs support with moving equipment from home to office, please contact or 864-7600.

At the Marine Institute, contact Facilities and Technical Services at

Grenfell Campus Facilities Management service request can be accessed using this form or by calling 639-6226.

If you need support with IT equipment and setting up your campus office, please contact or 864-4595.

At the Marine Institute, contact Information and Communication Technologies,

At Grenfell Campus, enter a service desk ticket or call 639-2049.

Information will be forthcoming about campus services such as food, parking, building and tunnel access.

While on campus, employees should follow public health guidelines for public locations and take necessary precautions, as per the below.

  • Completing the daily self-assessment (also available in the MUNSafe app) before coming to campus;
  • Wearing a mask in all public spaces and common areas, or any time two-meters physical distance cannot be maintained;
  • Reviewing and following all posted signage;
  • Maintaining physical distancing;
  • Washing or sanitizing hands on a regular basis (note: there are sanitization stations set up at the main entrance of buildings), and;
  • Staying home when sick.

Memorial is encouraging all employees and students to get vaccinated through public health. Vaccination is open to those 12 or older in Newfoundland and Labrador.

As well, Memorial encourages faculty, staff and students to download the COVID Alert app to help protect yourself and others. The app is designed to let Canadians know whether they may have been exposed to COVID-19.

The return to campus plan will be continually monitored. At any point, Memorial could quickly revert back to a remote work environment. In the event of an outbreak with a provincially mandated two-week “circuit breaker,” employees will be expected to return to campus following the two-week break, unless public health officials direct otherwise.

More information will follow through regular Memorial channels as we approach the return to campus date.

Guidance related to central region cluster

Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 12:52 pm NDT

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in the central region, this is a reminder for anyone who visited the area to follow public health advice, which states that anyone who travelled to the central region for the Victoria Day long weekend can return home; however, you should monitor for symptoms for the next 14 days. If symptoms develop, you should isolate and arrange testing. If you are a close contact, public health will contact you. Additionally, if you’ve visited the region, check advisories for businesses or locations impacted by this outbreak. Anyone coming to a Memorial campus should complete the daily self assessment. As a reminder, individuals must be clear of any symptoms for 24 hours before leaving isolation or returning to work.

Any university activities occurring face-to-face within the impacted region are suspended under alert level 4 unless approved by the respective vice-president.

There is no indication that Memorial activities outside of the impacted areas need to be suspended and activities occurring on campuses can continue. Memorial is well positioned given the strong health and safety controls in place, increased provincial vaccination rates and following advice from public health. Memorial will continue to monitor the situation.

As a reminder to all employees and students, Memorial is encouraging everyone to get vaccinated through public health, and vaccination is open to those 12 or older in Newfoundland and Labrador.


All MI Students now Eligible to book Vaccines in NL

Monday, May 17, 2021, 10:22 am NDT

Persons over 12 years of age are now eligible to book appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in our province. The opening of this age group means that all students are now eligible to book a vaccine appointment.

The link to book a vaccine is available here Those students who have an MCP number will be required to input it in the online form to book a vaccine appointment, if you are a student that does not have an MCP number or if you have a health card from another province you can submit 12 zeros in that space.

We are supporting the messaging of public health that encourages all individuals to get vaccinated when they are eligible and are delighted to say that now is your time!

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please email We are here to help.

Revised MI Academic Diary and Registration Date Released

Tuesday, March 30, 1:05 pm NDT

The Marine Institute has released its revised Academic Diary for 2021 Technical Session, Spring Semester, Summer term, work terms and sea phases.

Students registered in diploma/bachelor of technology, diplomas of technology, technician diplomas, post-graduate certificates, advanced diplomas and technical certificates programs are encouraged to consult the diary for important dates.

Students who are registered for undergraduate degree level courses should also refer to the Memorial University academic diary for important dates and deadlines pertaining to these courses.

Registration begins Monday, April 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm NDT for Diploma/Degree, Diploma, and Advanced Diploma students registering in Technical Session, Summer Semester, Safety Training, and Work Terms.

Dates for the Technical Certificates will be posted at a later date.


Fall 2021 Applications Will Not Be Accepted for Technical Certificates

 Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 9:42 am NDT 

Due to the size of the current waitlists for the Technical Certificates in Bridge Watch, Fire Rescue and Marine Diesel Mechanics, the Marine Institute will not be accepting new applications for these programs for the Fall 2021 semester.

All three programs will go ahead in Fall 2021 and that cohort will include those applicants who are accepted to begin their studies from the current program waitlists.

In the coming weeks, the Office of the Registrar will contact those applicants who will be accepted for the Fall 2021 semester regarding the next steps in the admission process.  Applicants currently on the waitlist for one of the Technical Certificate programs should monitor their email account they provided on their application for communication from the Marine Institute. Applicants that have questions about their application can email regarding the status of their admission.

As announced earlier in March, we expect to be on campus this September to deliver these programs in-person and further information will be provided as it becomes available on our .

Thank you to everyone who inquired about our Technical Certificate programs for Fall 2021.  We invite you to submit your application when we reopen our Technical Certificate application in October 2021 for the Fall 2022 semester.

Our Recruitment team is available to assist you at any time by email or online chat at


Fall Semester 2021 Update

Friday, March 26, 2021, 2:30 NDT

The Marine Institute will welcome our new and current students to campus for in-person teaching and learning activities for the Fall 2021 semester.

Memorial University announced today it is optimistic for the next academic year and expects to be on campus and in-person for university activities across all of its campuses this September.

We are excited as we plan for the Fall semester and to welcome everyone on campus.  Further information will be provided as it becomes available on our .

Thank you to all our students for your patience, flexibility and resilience over this year as we worked through the challenges of this global pandemic together.

As announced, all students arriving from outside Newfoundland and Labrador may be required to self-isolate for 14 days and should make plans to arrive in the province by mid-August before classes begin.

International students who wish to attend the Marine Institute are advised to move quickly to submit their study permits to the Government of Canada immediately following receipt of their offer of admission.  More information for international students with questions or concerns is available on Memorial’s Internationalization Office website or by emailing

For the safety and well-being of our MI community, we will continue to follow all public health requirements for Fall 2021, which could include use of non-medical face masks, physical distancing and other public health measures.


Impact of COVID Alert Level Change

 Thursday, March 25, 2021, 3:10 NDT

As the province moves to Alert Level 2 on March 27, 2021, the Marine Institute will continue with a blended delivery model for degree and graduate students and a combination of in person and online delivery for diploma and technical certificate students for the Winter semester, Technical Session and Intersession 2021.

As was announced earlier this month, some cohorts of some programs will continue to be delivered entirely remotely. Other programs will be offered in blended delivery including remote classes, essential on-campus specialized labs, workshops, technical training and evaluations to ensure students can meet the academic requirements of their programs.

Each school has developed specific plans for the Technical session, Spring semester and Intersession for each program and cohort and will communicate the details directly to students via specific messaging and town halls.

A revised Academic Diary for the upcoming semesters will be forthcoming.

Students should communicate with their program chairs, refer to the  for updates or contact for any specific questions or concerns.

Students have also been advised that Winter 2021 final exams will be written online or in-person. In-person exams will be take place at the Marine Institute Ridge Road campus.  Students should check their personal exam schedule on MUN Self-Serve to confirm the date and time of their exams and where they will be written.

MI’s Dr. C. R. Barrett Library will open a limited number of bookable study spaces for students starting Monday, March 29.

Employees are encouraged to continue working from home to maintain low density level requirements, except for those who are required to be on campus to support essential on-campus activities.

Students and employees are reminded to complete the COVID-19 daily self-assessment on the MUN SAFE app before coming to campus daily and to follow all our health and safety expectations.

Students and employees can access the Ridge Road campus via the main entrance, west entrance and the cafeteria entrance but must use their key fob to gain entrance and for contact tracing.

All on-campus activity will adhere to public health measures and the Marine Institute’s environmental, health and safety plan, approved by Memorial’s Office of the Chief Risk Officer, to best ensure the physical and psychological health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.


Winter 2021 Final Exam Update and Safety Procedures

Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 10:55 am NDT

Final exams for the Winter 2021 Semester will take place April 19-30, 2021.

Exams will be written online or in-person. In-person exams will be written on-campus at the Marine Institute Ridge Road Campus.

Students should check their personal exam schedule on MUN Self-Serve to confirm the date and time of their exams and where they will be written. Students who require accommodations are reminded they must confirm their intention to use their accommodations with our accessibility office by April 2, 2021 by emailing

To support students, the exam schedule has been extended, limiting students to one exam per day this semester.

For students writing in-person exams on-campus, the Institute has implemented stringent environmental, health and safety measures to safeguard the health and safety of our MI community and campus.

If you have specific questions or concerns about your exam schedule, please contact the Office of the Register at or

Students are reminded to check their@wave email accounts for information and updates.

Safety Measures for In-Person Exams at the Ridge Road Campus

For students writing in-person exams on campus, please follow these exam procedures and safety measures:

  • Students must complete the COVID-19 self-assessment using the MUN Safe App prior to arrival at the Marine Institute. MUN Safe is available at the Google Play and Apple App Store for download on any Apple or Android Device.  To be certain you receive all push notifications and alerts, please ensure that your phone settings are set to allow app notifications and you choose the campus(es) under About/Preferences > Notification Settings. You should familiarize yourself on how to display the results of your self-assessment (i.e. Red or Green Code). When entering the building you should have your device displaying the Green Code.
  • Students need to arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled exam time at your designated entrance wearing a non-medical mask:
    • Main Entrance – Students writing in the Gym or Centre of the Building
    • West Entrance – Students writing in West end of the Building
    • Rear Entrance at the cafeteria – Students writing in the Student Lounge
  • When students arrive they must provide proof of completing their COVID-19 self-assessment and have responded NO to all questions Students will not be allowed access without proof of successfully completing the COVID-19 Assessment.
  • If any student identifies that they could be symptomatic or infected with COVID-19, they will be advised to go directly home and comply with currently posted NL provincial guidelines. They will apply to have their exam deferred through the Office of the Registrar.
  • Students will be directed to their designated exam room, sanitize their hands, and then directed to their seat.
  • Non-medical masks are mandatory while in the building except while seated in the exam room.  A two-ply face mask is the minimum standard while three-ply is recommended.
  • Maintain a physical distance at least 2 metres (6ft) from others at all times.
  • Students will be accompanied to designated washroom facilities during exams, if necessary.
  • Students will use their own exam materials required to write exams.
  • Once completed the exam, students will wear their masks and leave through the designated exit immediately.


Impact of Alert Level Changes to Remote Learning and Working at MI

Thursday, March 11, 2021, 1:24 pm NST

As the Avalon region moves to Alert Level 4 and Level 3 for the remainder of the province on March 13, the Marine institute is working on plans to facilitate essential on-campus activities for students as soon as possible to fulfill its academic obligations for the winter semester, technical session and intersession.

Next week, School Heads and program chairs will notify student cohorts who can resume on-campus learning and those employees who are required to directly support critical on-campus program delivery.

These plans will be implemented in coordination with Memorial University’s Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO) and adherence to the provincial government’s COVID-19 Alert Level System and public health directives.

The majority of MI students and employees will continue in a remote teaching, learning and working environment until further announcements can be made.

Access to the Marine Institute campus and locations remains restricted unless approved by a School Head or administrative manager.

Today, Memorial released its COVID-19 impact scale to provide greater clarity about the university’s staged and measured approach to the resumption of on-campus activities and provide guidance for decision making on all facets of Memorial’s operations and activities.

This scale does not apply to the Marine Institute’s operations and locations.  The Institute has implemented stringent environmental, health and safety controls in coordination with the OCRO to safeguard the health and safety of our MI community and campus.

The Marine Institute will continue to update and support students, faculty and staff as the province’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic evolves.

Students are reminded they may email for any specific questions or concerns.


Virtual Celebrations to Recognize 2021 MI Graduates

Thursday, March 11, 2021, 8:39 am NST

Exciting plans are underway to celebrate graduates in all our programs with virtual events.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Memorial University and the Marine Institute campus are postponing the Spring 2021 in person Convocation and Graduation ceremonies however we are excited to celebrate the hard work and resilience of all our graduates with virtual events.

To celebrate Spring Convocation, the Marine Institute will contribute to Memorial’s Hats Off! event, a special virtual event scheduled for Thursday, June 3, 2021. This event will be a unique salute to new grads from our undergraduate and graduate programs, welcoming them into the Memorial University alumni family. More details, including special guest performers, will be available in the coming weeks at

The date and details of the Marine Institute’s campus graduation celebration event will be announced soon for those students graduating in technical certificate, technician diploma, diploma of technology, post-graduate certificate and advanced diploma programs.

Bachelor and graduate students who have applied to graduate this spring and have met all the university’s requirements will be awarded their degrees, certificates and diplomas on May 19, 2021, and will receive them by mail shortly afterwards.

Spring 2021 grads will be invited to cross the stage at ceremonies at a later date, after public health restrictions are lifted and large in-person gatherings are permitted.

A Message from Glenn Blackwood to the MI Community Feb 15, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021, 3:10 pm NST

I’m sure, like me, you have spent a few anxious days worried about the health and safety of our families and friends and wondering what this new outbreak and COVID variant will mean for our community.

As Dr. Timmons said, this time it feels different and it may be different for some time as we move back to Alert Level Five across the province.

I know many of you have asked how we are going to continue our semester, our research and our work with industry during this time.

Our senior leadership at Memorial and MI have been being meeting daily, sometimes several times a day since last week, to implement immediate changes in our operations for the safety of our people and campuses.

Our Schools and centres are moving quickly to assess the status of programs and courses, and thankfully, we are able to continue our remote delivery for all students as scheduled. Essential on-campus components including shops, labs and technical training that cannot be facilitated online, and community-based training are paused for now but we are looking at all options as to how they can be completed.

Students, each school will hold a town hall this week to update you and to address your questions. Please check your @wave email accounts for important updates including town hall information.

In the meantime, you can refer to the  available online for assistance and also email with any immediate questions or concerns.

To our students and your families, thank you for your patience and perseverance as we navigate these next few weeks together.

To our faculty, staff and researchers and our team in Facilities and Technical Services who are maintaining a safe campus for us, thank you for your commitment to helping our students and each other and for staying strong.

As I said last March, let’s focus on what we can do to get through this together. This time we have more knowledge and experience. Let’s put that to work for us now to guide our way forward.

Thank you for supporting each other and remember we are here to support you.

Please look after yourselves and stay safe.


Update to the MI Student community


Tuesday, February 9, 2021, 5:08 pm NST

We wanted to highlight the important message that has been outlined below for Marine Institute students. As of tomorrow, February 10, we will be transitioning (where possible) to online learning until February 23.

Programs with essential on-campus components including shops, labs and technical training that cannot be facilitated online are also to remain home. Further updates on the completion of these components will be forthcoming.

MI students can refer to the available online and also email with any immediate questions or concerns.  We are here to help!

We appreciate that this is a stressful time and want to continue to remind you that we are all in this together and are committed to your safety and success.


Memorial implements a circuit breaker for St. John’s region until Feb. 23


Based on the information released today by the provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health, Memorial University is supporting the province’s circuit breaker to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in the St. John’s region.

Memorial is transitioning to a fully remote teaching, learning and work environment at the St. John’s, Signal Hill and Marine Institute campuses.

This change is in effect from Feb. 10 – 23. The university will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any changes to this plan in advance.

All events scheduled to take place at Signal Hill Campus during this period can go ahead with up to 20 guests. Please check with event organizers for further details.

For employees

Non-academic staff should work with their supervisors to establish individual arrangements. We recognize that in some situations standard work hours, work arrangements and assignments may be altered. Please consider that not all work requires remote technology.

Employees who have equipment on campus that they require to work from home are asked to bring home what they need today, Feb. 9. If it is not possible to bring home required equipment today, please make arrangements with your supervisor to access campus. It may be necessary for supervisors to use a schedule to avoid overcrowding. If you need support, please contact

Employees who have been deemed critical for university operations and research or who have an individual need to be on campus (that is approved by their supervisor) can continue to access campus at a later date. Faculty members can continue to access their offices.

Any person accessing campus is required to first complete the COVID-19 self-assessment. If you are showing symptoms or do not pass the self-assessment, contact your supervisor and do not come to campus until you have been symptom-free for 24-hours.

Leaders are asked to review their Business Continuity Plans and ensure they are up-to-date and ready to implement as needed.

For students

In-person classes in the St. John’s region, including the Marine Institute, will transition to remote delivery for the Feb. 10-23 period. Students in the faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy will receive more information about clinical activities from the academic unit. More information for students will be shared directly by the academic unit.

  • Academic advising and any meetings with students should take place virtually via Webex.
  • The University Centre will remain open as a hub for Metrobus.
  • The bookstore is not open in-person but is available for online purchases, by appointment and for curb-side delivery.
  • Student study spaces on campus are currently being evaluated.
  • The computer labs in the Chemistry-Physics (C-2003) and Engineering (EN-3000) buildings will remain open.
  • In-person student events and meetings are cancelled.

An update will be shared shortly about the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre.

For researchers

The research request process that was in place prior to the Feb. 1 return to campus has resumed and more information will be shared shortly.

Stay safe

The people of Memorial have worked very hard to manage the impact of COVID-19. We thank you for your ongoing commitment to health and safety and encourage you to take the advice of provincial health authorities and stay home where possible.

We will continue to communicate on an on-going basis.

Return to campus update

Monday, January 4, 2021, 10:43 am NDT

The initiative to return staff to campus will resume in the new year, based on public health directives and COVID alert levels.

Rather than a gradual return to campus, leaders should prepare for staff to return on a full-time basis on Feb. 1, 2021. Note, there will be exceptions to this plan based on density requirements, medical accommodations, remote work pilot programs and business continuity planning for essential functions and services. Additionally, this does not apply to staff already working from campus or those scheduled to return prior to Feb. 1.

In preparation, people are encouraged to consider related personal arrangements such as transportation, child care, etc. to support their return to the workplace. More details will be provided in the new year.

Final Exam Information and Safety Procedures

Thursday, December 10, 2020, 9:04 am NDT

Final exams for the Fall 2020 Semester will take place December 14-19, 2020.

In preparation for these exams, students should confirm where they are writing exams and follow the safety measures to protect themselves and the MI community.

  • Nautical Science and Marine Engineering students will write in person exams at the Marine Institute Ridge Road campus unless notified of an alternate exam writing centre.
  • All other programs will write their exams online.

Safety Measures for In-Person Exams at the Ridge Road Campus

For students writing in-person exams on campus, please follow these exam procedures and safety measures:

  • Students must complete the COVID-19 self-assessment using the MUN Safe App prior to arrival at the Marine Institute. MUN Safe is available at the Google Play and Apple App Store for download on any Apple or Android Device.  To be certain you receive all push notifications and alerts, please ensure that your phone settings are set to allow app notifications and you choose the campus(es) under About/Preferences > Notification Settings. You should familiarize yourself on how to display the results of your self-assessment (i.e. Red or Green Code). When entering the building you should have your device displaying the Green Code.
  • Students need to arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled exam time at your designated entrance wearing a face mask:
    • Main Entrance - Marine Engineering Terms 1, 3, 5 and Nautical Science Term 1
    • West Entrance - Nautical Science Term 3
    • Rear Entrance at the cafeteria - Nautical Science Term 5
  • When students arrive they must provide proof of completing their COVID-19 self-assessment and have responded NO to all questions Students will not be allowed access without proof of successfully completing the COVID-19 Assessment.
  • If any student identifies that they could be symptomatic or infected with COVID-19, they will be advised to go directly home and comply with currently posted NL provincial guidelines. They will apply to have their exam deferred through the Office of the Registrar.
  • Students will be directed to their designated exam room, sanitize their hands, and then directed to their seat.
  • Masks are mandatory while in the building except while seated in the exam room.
  • Maintain a physical distance of 2 metres (6ft) from others at all times.
  • Only use designated washroom facilities.
  • Students will use their own exam materials required to write exams.
  • Once completed the exam, students will wear their masks and leave through the designated exit immediately.


Marine Institute Delays Winter 2021 Semester Start, Registration for Students

The Fisheries and Marine Institute will delay the official start of its Winter 2021 classes to Monday, January 11, 2021 for students in all programs with the exception of the Technical Certificates (Bridge Watch, Fire Rescue and Marine Diesel Mechanics). and the Marine Engineering Technical Session 2.

The Winter 2021 semester for Technical Certificates and the Marine Engineering Technical Session 2 will begin Jan. 4, 2021 as previously scheduled.

Winter 2021 Registration for Diploma of Technology and Technical Certificate students will now open Thursday, December 10, 2020, 7 pm NST.

Students should consult their specific academic diary for revised dates to reflect the delayed start:

Work term placements are exempt from the delayed start and will start as scheduled.

While classes will be delayed, the Institute will resume preparations for the Winter 2021 semester on Jan. 4, providing faculty and staff additional time to prepare for remote and on-campus course delivery.

Students should communicate with their programs chairs for any questions about the delayed start and refer to the Marine Institute’s COVID-19 website for updates.

The Marine Institute also has a dedicated email that is monitored daily and provides a quick accessible touch point if students are unsure where to direct a question or concern.

Return to campus postponed

Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2020

Due to rising cases of COVID-19 throughout Newfoundland and Labrador at this time, Memorial University is postponing the return to campus initiative for non-academic staff scheduled for this week.

This applies to all campuses and locations. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

The university remains open and people who have been working from their offices are still able to do so. When on campus, employees should follow public health guidelines and posted signage including physical distancing, wearing a mask, hand washing and staying home when sick. A daily COVID-19 self-assessment check is available online and in the MUN Safe app and must be completed daily before coming to campus.

Memorial University’s priority since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, has always been, and still is, the health and safety of the campus community.

Winter 2021 Update

Friday, October 30, 2020

In early October, the Marine Institute announced the Winter 2021 academic semester will remain primarily remote and that any on-campus activity will occur in a measured and safe manner, adhering to the provincial government’s COVID-19 Alert Level System and aligning with provincial public health directives.

For students with essential practical components in their programs, a number of practical hands-on activities will be held on campus, with appropriate health and safety measures in place, for the Winter 2021 semester.

As in the Fall 2020 semester, some cohorts of some programs will continue to be delivered entirely remotely. However, most programs will be offered in blended delivery including remote classes, essential on-campus specialized labs and workshops to ensure students can meet the academic requirements of their programs.

Each school has developed specific plans for each program and cohort and will communicate the details directly to students via specific messaging and town halls.

Students are encouraged to attend their School’s town hall to stay informed about the delivery of their programs this winter, requirements for health and safety on campus, and to ask any questions that they may have.

Students should also communicate with their programs chairs and refer to the Marine Institute’s COVID-19 website for updates.

The Marine Institute also has a dedicated email for concerns that is monitored daily and provides a quick accessible touch point if students are unsure where to direct a question or concern.

The Marine Institute remains committed to supporting our students, no matter where or how they are studying and to ensuring students have the best possible learning experience.

Memorial University and the Marine Institute have developed a comprehensive set of guiding principles, safety plans and protocols to best ensure the physical and psychological health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.  We also continue to follow the most up-to-date advice provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Government of Canada on COVID-19 response.

Non-Medical Face Masks Mandatory Beginning Aug. 24

Aug 24, 2020

Since early July, Memorial has strongly encouraged wearing non-medical masks while on campus. Beginning Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, masks must be worn in public indoor spaces in Newfoundland and Labrador as issued in a special measures order by Newfoundland and Labrador’s Chief Medical Officer.

Therefore, non-medical masks will be mandatory beginning on Monday for Memorial faculty, staff, students and visitors. These must be worn in public spaces and common areas or anytime two-metre physical distance cannot be maintained while at university facilities or while conducting Memorial business off-campus. Information about masks will be integrated into Memorial’s COVID-19 awareness training and the related health and safety moment. For directions on proper use of masks, please view this video.

Areas where masks must be worn include, but are not limited to hallways, publicly-accessible lobbies, elevators, reception areas, stairways, washrooms, laboratories, the shuttle bus, in Memorial-owned vehicles transporting more than one person, any work areas where two-metre distance cannot be maintained, when entering and exiting classrooms, and in lunchrooms when not seated. If an employee is not able to wear a mask and requires an accommodation, speak to a supervisor. As well, if individuals are experiencing challenges acquiring masks, or there are exceptional circumstances, they must notify their supervisor to determine options and a course of action. Previous unit-level health and safety plans do not need to be resubmitted for approval. Please apply the new special measures order to your current plan.

As part of our shared responsibility, individuals are asked to use personal reusable, non-medical cloth masks, which not only assists in Memorial’s collective effort in preventing the spread of COVID-19, but is a more sustainable choice to disposable alternatives. In the short-term, if arriving on campus without a mask, a limited supply of disposable masks is available at Campus Enforcement and Patrol. MUN Safe can be used to report non-compliance. Employees are reminded to continue to work remotely whenever possible and approval for on campus work is still required.

Exemptions for the use of masks under the special measures include:

  • Seated areas - Individuals seated in their chairs at their desks, provided physical distancing of two metres can be achieved between individuals or bubbles and provided they wear a mask when moving around in these places:
    • Classrooms (when the two-metre distance can be maintained)
    • When protective barriers are in place and a consistent two-metre distance can be maintained
    • Offices and cubicles (when the two-metre distance can be maintained)
    • The chapel (when the two-metre distance can be maintained)
    • Individuals wearing religious face coverings
    • Eating or drinking when two-metre distance can be maintained
  • Workplaces - Employees must wear their mask when they are in a publicly-accessible lobby, reception area, hallway, stairway or elevator; however, requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, as well as any workplace-specific health and safety plans, will continue to apply to workers (for example, if a job requires a respirator, the respirator must be worn instead of the non-medical mask).
  • Physical condition or mental health - People whose particular physical condition or mental health prevents them from wearing a mask (these people are encouraged to wear a face shield instead, if possible), including but not limited to:
    • people who are unable to put it on or take it off by themselves due to a physical disability;
    • people with facial deformities;
    • peoples who, due to cognitive impairment, an intellectual disability, an autism spectrum disorder, or a severe mental health condition, are unable to understand the requirement, or for whom wearing a mask causes significant distress;
    • people who have a severe skin condition on the face or ears that is significantly aggravated by wearing a mask;
    • people with a severe respiratory condition or disease for whom a mask would further impair their breathing (please note that there is no evidence that indicates NMMs impair oxygenation of those with respiratory disease);
    • anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Under provincial regulations, a person found in breach of these orders could face a fine of $500 to $2,500, or jail time up to six months, or both a fine and jail time. A corporation found in breach of these orders could face a fine of $5,000 to $50,000.  

Fall Fees

Originally posted June 29, 2020

Memorial’s Board of Regents has approved the suspension of two student fees for the fall 2020 semester.

Memorial students will not be charged the Distance Education Administration Fee and Recreation Fee for the upcoming semester.

Two fees waived

The Distance Education Administration Fee is normally applied only to those taking fully online courses designed and supported by the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning.

Because teaching and learning of many normally in-person courses will continue in a remote and primarily online environment using a variety of different methods (depending on the unit, discipline and individual instructor), the fee is waived for the fall semester.

The Recreation Fee is normally applied to all students in programs on the St. John’s campus and provides students with access to The Works’ fitness facilities. As students will be completing their studies remotely in the fall, it is unreasonable to expect students to continue to pay this fee.

The Works is, however, planning to offer an optional Student Recreation Membership in the fall for all students who live nearby who wish to use the facilities. More details on this option will be shared as they become available.

The facility has reopened under provincial alert level 2 and is offering an optional student summer package for the rate of $35 + HST from now until the end of August. Full details on this package are available here.

All fees reviewed

While cancelling these fees will significantly affect the budgets of the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning and The Works, the university will be able to support financial loss with savings from the suspension of operations to support Memorial’s on-campus operations.

A working group was tasked with reviewing fees and coming up with possible scenarios for the fall. All mandatory fees were reviewed in the context of the COVID-19 global pandemic and its ongoing impact on students and university operations.

The Campus Renewal Fee, Student Services Fee and Graduate Continuance Fee will continue. These fees help cover critical infrastructure and student services costs that continue to be incurred.

Although students are not studying on campus, remote learning places an increased burden on the university’s technological infrastructure and increases the risk of cyberattacks.

Eliminating the campus renewal fee at this time would significantly impair Memorial’s capacity to manage the transition to remote learning and constrain its ability to manage ongoing deferred maintenance challenges.

Student Services Fees

While many of the services funded by the Student Services Fee are normally delivered in person, most of these services have transitioned to remote delivery and in some cases require extra support and technological capacity.

Effectively meeting the needs of students is more vital than ever, and eliminating this fee would reduce funds available for essential student services.

Many graduate students are able and choosing to continue their studies. As a result, and consistent with other Canadian universities, Memorial will continue to charge the Graduate Continuance Fee.

Latest Message #23: Technical Session Exam Schedule 

(June 9, 2020, 11:00 am NDT)

The Marine Institute’s Office of the Registrar has scheduled the following Technical Session 2020 Exams to take place from June 11-24, 2020.

Please consult the schedule carefully for the date and time for your online exam and contact the Registrar or your instructor for any questions.

June 11
June 12
June 15
June 16
June 19
June 20
June 22
June 23
June 24
MESD TS1             MTPR 2104 11:00-1:00pm   Math 1200 1:00-4:00pm
MESD TS2       TRMO 3101 1:00-3:00pm ENSY 3000 1:00-3:00pm        
MESD TS3         CNTL 2302 Test 2 (all day) FLDS 2201 11:00-1:00pm      
NARC TS1             MTPR 2104 11:00-1:00pm MREK 2101 1:00-3:00pm Math 1200 1:00-4:00pm
NARC TS2 ELTK 2104 11:00-1:00pm MREK 2201 1:00-3:00pm NARC 2110 1:00-3:00pm            
NARC TS3 BSMG 3105 1:00-5:00pm NARC 3209 1:00-3:00pm              
MATH/PHYS         PHYS 1200/1204 08:00-12:00pm     MATH 1101/1105 1:00-4:00pm

MATH 1212 1:00-4:00pm

Math 1200/1201 1:00-4:00pm

Latest Message #22: Supplementary Exam Schedule Announced

(May 21, 2020, 10:39 am NDT)

The Marine Institute’s Office of the Registrar has scheduled the following Winter 2020 Supplementary and Deferred Exams to take place from May 27 – June 8, 2020. All exams will begin at 1 p.m. NDT.

Please consult the schedule carefully for the date and time for your online exam and contact the Registrar or your instructor for any questions.

May 27May 29June 1June 3June 5June 8
All exams begin at 1 p.m. NDT
ELTK 1202 ENGR 1102 ELTK 1203 BSMG 3401 MREK 2209 BSMG 3113
MREK 0201 MATH 0200 FLDS 2105 MREK 1201    
NASC 1204 MATH 1101 MECH 2207 MTPR 2108    
NASC 2104 MATH 1105 MREK 0200      
NASC 2213 NASC 2200 MREK 2212       
NASC 3211 NARC 2228        
PHYS 1104 ONGR 1201        
TRMO 2204          


Latest Message #21: Important Notice – 2019-2020 Locker Clear Out Schedule

(May 20, 2020, 4:00 pm NDT)

As an initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Marine Institute restricted access to all campuses in late March.

We realize however, that many students did not have an opportunity to clear out their lockers before this occurred.

On weekdays from May 25 - June 1, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, students will have the opportunity to retrieve their belongings by appointment and receive their locker deposit refund.

We encourage you to clear your locker during this time as there will be no further opportunities after June 1. Lockers that are unattended will be opened and items stored.

Book your appointment

  • Call the MI Campustore at 778-0473.
  • Students can choose a 10-minute slot on weekdays from May 25 - June 1, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, to clear out their locker.
  • Students must have a scheduled appointment and their Student ID to enter the building.

Clearing out your Locker

On the day of your appointment, here is what you will expect:

  • Please arrive on time for your appointment. This will assist us in maintaining our schedule and physically distancing.
    • If you are late, this will reduce the time available to clear your locker.
    • If you miss your appointment, it cannot be rescheduled unless there are time slots after all students have had a chance to register for one or the appointment was missed due to compliance with public health measures.
  • Enter the building by the west entrance only.
  • You will be met by a staff member who will verify your name, appointment time and will ask to see your Student ID.
  • You will be accompanied to your locker by a staff member who will disinfect your lock. You then will have access to open your lock and clean out your locker.
    • Take everything with you when you clear out your locker.
  • After clearing your locker, you will be accompanied by a staff member to take your lock to the MI Campustore where you will receive your $10 locker deposit refund.
  • Leave the building by the main entrance. Do not visit other areas.

Safety Protocols

  • Please do not visit the building if you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms, if you are self-isolating, or have travelled outside Newfoundland and Labrador over the past 14 days. COVID-19 Building Access
  • Maintain a physical distance of at least 2 metres from other people around you.
  • You are strongly encouraged to wear your own PPE while in the building.
  • Please use hand sanitizer available at the west entrance when you enter the building.
  • Only locker holders will be allowed in the building. Family members or friends cannot enter the building with you.


Latest Message #20: Fall Semester 2020 to Start as Scheduled by Remote Delivery

(May 13, 2020, 11:43 am NDT)

Wherever our students are in Newfoundland and Labrador, across Canada and around the world, the Marine Institute is committed to providing students with an exceptional educational experience and ensuring they can progress in their studies with as little impact as possible.

For Fall 2020 the Marine Institute will be offering academic programs through remote delivery platforms for all new and continuing students.

Our technical certificates in Bridge Watch, Fire Rescue and Marine Diesel Mechanics will not be proceeding for the Fall semester and a decision on when these programs will start will be made at a later date.

Preparations are already underway to provide student supports for remote learning and successful transition to post-secondary studies, and in the coming weeks, we will have further announcements on Fall registration and course offerings.

The Institute is reviewing how practical learning activities in some academic programs and courses may be delivered and we are considering all options that may be available to us.

Our first priority is to the health and well-being of our students, faculty and staff. There may be opportunities as the Fall semester progresses for gradual and safe resumption of in-person activities. Our decision-making will be guided by provincial health authority directives and the NL’s government’s COVID-19 Alert Level System in this respect.

We thank our students and your families for your patience as we work through this unprecedented situation. We will continue to keep you and the MI Community up-to-date at as we prepare for the Fall semester.



Latest Message #19: Supplementary Exam Application and Add/Drop Dates

(May 11, 2020, 9:37 am NDT)

The Marine Institute’s Office of the Registrar has announced important dates for Winter 2020 Supplementary exams and adding and dropping courses in Technical Session 2020 and Summer Semester 2020 for Diploma of Technology students.

Supplementary and Deferred Exams

Applications for supplementary exams for students in the Winter 2020 semester are now open until Friday, May 15, 2020. Please submit your application to the Office of the Registrar and be sure to review the supplementary exam regulations.

The Registrar will announce the week of May 11 when supplementary and deferred exams will take place.

Technical Session 2020

The deadlines to add and drop courses for students participating in the Technical Session 2020 are as follows:

May 12, 2020 Last date to Add courses
May 25, 2020 Last date to Drop courses without academic prejudice

Marine Engineering Term 6 summer semester

The deadlines to add and drop courses for Marine Engineering Term 6 students during their summer semester are as follows:

May 25, 2020 Last date to Add courses
June 29, 2020 Last date to Drop courses without academic prejudice

Latest Message #18: Marine Institute - Message from Glenn Blackwood to Students

(May 4, 2020, 3:13 pm NDT)

With the Winter 2020 semester behind them, Glenn Blackwood, Vice-President, Memorial University (Marine Institute) has a special message of congratulations for Marine Institute students.



Latest Message #17: Registration for Technical Session 2020, Math/Physics Courses and Marine Engineering (Term 6) Update

(April 30, 2020, 2:30 pm NDT)

Marine Engineering (Term 6)

The summer semester for Marine Engineering (Term 6) students will begin remotely on Monday, May 11. 

Students are asked to register for their courses on Memorial Self-Service, Wednesday, May 6 when registration opens at 7 pm, NDT.

The School of Maritime Studies will contact students directly on how their courses will be delivered remotely.

Registration for Technical Session 2020

Registration for the Technical Session 2020 will begin on Memorial Self-Service, Wednesday, May 6, at 7 pm, NDT for students in the following programs:

  • Marine Engineering (Term 6)
  • Marine Engineering Systems Design (Tech Sessions 1, 2 and 3)
  • Naval Architecture (Tech Sessions 1, 2 and 3)

Courses will begin remotely on Monday, May 11 for the Technical Session 2020.

Registration for Math/Physics Courses

All Marine Institute students may register on Memorial Self-Service, Wednesday, May 6 at 7 pm, NDT for Math and Physics courses offered remotely during Technical Session:

  • Math 1100
  • Math 1101 / 1105
  • Math 1212
  • Math 1200 / 1201
  • Physics 1200 / 1204

Courses will begin remotely on Monday, May 11.

Please continue to check for updated information and frequently asked questions.


Latest Message #16: Update on Technical Session 2020 and Marine Engineering Term 6

(April 24, 2020, 4:04 pm NDT)

As the Marine Institute’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we want to make students aware of changes to the 2020 Technical Session.

On May 11, the Technical Session 2020 will go ahead remotely for students in the following programs:

  • Marine Engineering Systems Design
  • Naval Architecture (Tech Sessions 1, 2 and 3)
  • Marine Environmental Technology (Tech Session 1)
  • ALL Advanced Diplomas

For all other programs, we are deferring the 2020 Technical Session. Following current guidance from provincial and federal public health authorities, we have determined that in-person delivery of practical and in-field components of your program will not be possible for the foreseeable future.

We are working on a number of scenarios to determine how we can include or adjust technical session courses in future semesters of your program to ensure you achieve graduation requirements. You can also register for Math and Physics courses that will be offered during the Technical Session when registration opens on May 6.

The following Math and Physics courses are starting May 11 online:

  • Math 1100
  • Math 1101 / 1105
  • Math 1212
  • Math 1200 / 1201
  • Physics 1200 / 1204

For those of you scheduled to complete your program this year, we are looking at every opportunity to bring you back to campus as soon as it safe to do so with the goal that you graduate in a timely manner.

In the meantime, we encourage you to take this time to continue your studies by applying for courses in our Bachelor of Technology or Bachelor of Maritime Studies programs.

Marine Engineering Term 6

The School of Maritime Studies is consulting with Transport Canada to determine how best to facilitate the academic summer semester for the Term 6 Marine Engineering students. The school will provide an update to those students as soon as possible on when and how the summer semester will proceed.

Please continue to check for updated information and frequently asked questions.



Latest Message #15: Message from Glenn Blackwood, VP, Memorial University (Marine Institute)

(April 17, 2020, 1:11 pm NDT)

Normally this week, we would see students waiting anxiously in the main lobby to write exams and industry clients would be at our Ridge Road campus or at our centres in Foxtrap, Holyrood, Lewisporte and Stephenville. Instead, our students are writing exams online and our centres are quiet.

However, things are getting done and we are finding new ways to adapt to the realities of physical distancing and staying safe.

We take a lot of pride in being close with our students, industry clients and partners.  Although our ability to work face-to-face has been severely impacted, our connections remain strong. We are flexible and open to ideas wherever we can to help our students, industry clients and partners with their needs, now and in the weeks ahead, as we adjust to this new normal.

We have always been a forward-looking institution. And while we could not have foreseen COVID-19 or its impacts, I know our proven ability to strategically plan for the future will help get us through this difficult time.

I want to say a special thank you to our instructors, program chairs, curriculum and instructional design staff, registration staff, student affairs staff, ICT, and the leadership within our Academic Working Group for getting our students ready for exams and the technical session starting on May 11. I know there are details upon details to be sorted out with each decision we make and I’m grateful for your expertise to guide us through.

To all our faculty and staff, please take care of yourselves. We understand you are working in different circumstances and with different demands. Take a break throughout the day. Play with your children, catch up with your partner or friend, and enjoy a quiet moment for yourself. It’s okay. We know you are working hard for our students, clients and each other.

Students, we are proud of what you have accomplished over these past few weeks to finish this semester. I know you will also do your best during exams as well.  We are here to help in any way possible and our team is only a phone call, text, or email away.

Speaking of accomplishments, let me finish by congratulating our Winter 2020 scholarship recipients. The people and companies who support our scholarships are investing in you and your studies.  They are giving you the opportunity to be the best you can be – and there is no better time than now to show everyone what you can do. 

The Marine Institute will work to do the same. 

Glenn Blackwood

Vice-president, Memorial University (Marine Institute)



Latest Message #14: Marine Institute Changes Fall 2020 Admission Requirements

(April 17, 2020, 9:18 am NDT)

The Marine Institute is revising its Fall 2020 admission requirements to ensure that every opportunity is available for high school graduates to enter post-secondary studies. This is in response to the cancellation of public and final exams for high school students in Newfoundland and Labrador and in other Canadian provinces and regions where similar actions have been taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Marine Institute is continuing to accept applications online at Our application deadline has been extended to July 1 and we will process applications received after this date as time and resources permit. Please note some programs have limited space.

Our Registrar’s Office is available at if applicants need help with their application.

Our revised admission requirements for our Diplomas of Technology, Technician Diplomas and Diploma of Technology/Bachelor of Technology programs are as follows:

  • 2020 NL High School Graduates – Applicants will need to successfully complete the graduation requirements for high school as set down by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Education and have obtained passing credits in mathematics, English and laboratory science at the 3000 level.
  • NL High School Graduates prior to 2020 - Applicants who have graduated from high school in Newfoundland and Labrador prior to 2020 and who are not registered in 3000-level high school courses in 2020 will be required to complete the graduation requirements for high school as set down by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Education, with a minimum overall average of 60 per cent in mathematics, and a minimum overall combined average of 60 per cent in mathematics, English and laboratory science at the 3000 level.
  • Other Canadian and International High School Applicants – The Marine Institute’s Office of the Registrar will review the applicant’s eligibility for Fall 2020 admission based on their province or country’s 2020 high school graduation requirements as a result to the COVID-19 situation.
  • Other Canadian and International High School Applicants prior to 2020 – Applicants who have graduated from high school outside of Newfoundland and Labrador prior to 2020 will be required to meet the admission requirements as specified in the 2019-2020 Marine Institute Calendar.

The deadline for the submission of admission documents, including medicals and code of conduct, will be extended to the last day to drop courses for the Fall 2020 semester.

Seat confirmation fees for Marine Engineering, Nautical Science, Bridge Watch, and Marine Diesel Mechanics programs are also waived for Fall 2020. However, we advise that applicants who are accepted to these programs should confirm their seat in writing with the Office of Registrar at




Latest Message #13: Important Message about Diploma and Certificate Exams, Technical Session, and Work Terms

(April 10, 2020, 4:00 pm NDT)

We understand that there is significant stress for our certificate and diploma students about writing final exams and completing final assessments. We have spoken to many students over the last few weeks and in response to their concerns the Marine Institute is implementing additional changes to the Winter 2020 semester.

Students are encouraged to check the MI COVID-19 website and their MI email daily for updates and important information from the institute and your program chair.

The following changes are effective April 10, 2020.


Change to Exam and Assessment Period

  • Exam period will now extend over three weeks and students will have an exam or assessment every other day.
  • Exam period will now run from April 14 – May 1, 2020.
  • A revised exam schedule that will provide more time between exams (final assessments) to study will be distributed by your program chairs by the end of the day April 10 and updated to self-service by Saturday, April 11, 12 pm.


  • Grades for the Winter 2020 semester will be released the evening of May 6, 2020.

Technical Session 2020

  • Technical Session 2020 will be delivered remotely for specific programs starting May 11, 2020.
  • There are exceptions to this start date for specific programs that have practical and in-field components.
  • Visit our FAQs for specific school program information.
  • Please contact your program chair for further information about your program.
  • Students required to return for a practical and in-field component will be advised 30 days prior to the start of any modified on-campus technical session.

Work Terms

Work terms are an important element of many programs at the Marine Institute. Our three academic schools and the Office of Career Integrated Learning are working closely with partner companies and regulatory bodies, and following the advice of public health officials to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. In response, we have made the following decisions about work terms. 

Winter 2020 Work Terms

  • The Office of Career Integrated Learning is working with cadets who remain on work terms and their work-term hosts to ensure the continued health and safety of cadets.
  • Students who discontinue their work terms due to revisions to company policies or uncertainties related to COVID-19 will not be asked to provide any further documentation and will not be academically penalized.
  • Students who are currently on seafaring work terms and have questions are asked to contact their Placement Officer as soon as possible.

Spring/Summer 2020 Work Terms

  • Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the Marine Institute is discontinuing work terms for the spring and summer semesters, unless students are notified otherwise. We appreciate that this decision may cause anxiety to students who require work terms to continue in their programs or meet the graduation requirements of their programs. The safety and well-being of our students is our priority.
  • Specific information about how you will proceed in your school program is available in our FAQs on the MI COVID19 website

Students with specific questions, academic concerns, unique work term situations or current offers should speak directly to their Placement Officer and Program Chair as soon as possible. Students who have secured a work term may be allowed to proceed on work term with approval of the Head of the School, Placement Officer and company.

Visit our Contact information for program chairs and the Office of Career Integrated Learning.



Latest Message 12: Message from Glenn Blackwood, VP, Memorial University (Marine Institute)

(April 3, 2020, 10:28 am NDT)

Good Morning everyone,

Life at the Marine Institute has changed over the last month but the “can do” attitude that has always prevailed within the MI community has not.

I’m not surprised by how our academic and student affairs, registrar, finance, IT, library, research, human resources, placement, planning, alumni, communications, international, recruitment, facilities, custodian, marine services, security teams and countless others have stepped up under unprecedented circumstances to take care of our students and each other, without missing a beat.

Our schools, instructors and centres have embraced innovative ways to connect with our students, clients and colleagues. I’m grateful for how they quickly adapted to ensure our students continue to have engaging learning experiences.

Our researchers may not be in the lab or field but they continue to mentor our graduate students, prepare and plan for future projects, complete reports for industry and papers for publishing.

I am proud of your exceptional efforts and commitment during what I know is a challenging time both personally and professionally. Thank you for being there in every way possible and keep up the great work.

To our current and future students and your families – a special thank you for your patience. Please know we weigh every decision about how we move forward in our academic programs and operations with your safety and well-being as our priority.

Wherever you are, thank you for staying at home, taking care of yourself, your family and, in turn, our communities. It’s vital that we practice physical distancing in the weeks to come as it is our best protection.

As the saying goes “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” Well the past few weeks have been anything but smooth, however I’m confident our MI community will overcome this stormy sea together.

Please keeping checking our website regularly for news and specific information for the MI community.

Take care and stay well. 

Glenn Blackwood, Vice-President

Memorial University (Marine Institute)

Latest Message 11: Update on Waived Regulations, Technical Session, 2020 Admissions, Student Document Requests and Graduation

(March 30, 2020, 11:35 am NDT)

The Marine Institute thanks its students and employees for their patience and understanding as we work through a number of decisions to complete this semester and the remainder of our academic year. Today, we are providing further updates on the following:

Waived Regulations regarding Readmission and Continuance

Students in a certificate, technician, and diploma programs are advised that the Institute is waiving its academic regulations regarding re-admission and continuance for the Winter 2020 semester. Students who have not passed at least 50 per cent of the courses in which a grade is awarded or do not have a cumulative average of 50 per cent at the end of the Winter 2020 semester will not be required to withdraw from the Marine Institute. Students will be given academic forgiveness and be eligible to register in a subsequent semester. This may have implications for going on work terms. Failure in any courses will require students to complete those courses in the future and will significantly affect your graduation date.

Students in an advanced diploma program are advised that there is a waiver to continuance regulations for the Winter 2020 semester – meaning students who have obtained a grade of less than 50 per cent in any course will not be required to withdraw from the university. These students will be allowed to return in a subsequent academic semester. This may have implications for going on work terms. Failure in any courses will require students to complete those courses in the future and will significantly affect your graduation date.

Technical Session 2020

The Marine Institute’s Technical Session for students in Diploma/Degree, Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs will be delayed. The institute is assessing when and how the technical session can be delivered, including remote and future on-campus delivery. Further program-specific announcements will be made. Students will be advised 30 days prior to the start of any modified on-campus technical session.

2020 Admissions

The Marine Institute is continuing to accept students for Fall 2020. Until further notice, all admissions will be processed remotely and all required documents should be send electronically to Current applicants who have inquiries related to seat confirmation fees can also contact

Student Document Requests

As the Registrar’s Office is working remotely at this time, all requests for enrollment verification letters will be sent by email. If you have questions regarding enrollment letters please email

Marine Institute Graduation 2020

In light of our current circumstances as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Marine Institute will cancel its Graduation Ceremony, for technical certificates, technician diploma, diploma of technology, post-graduate certificate and advanced diploma programs. The institute is reviewing options to conduct an in-absentia graduation and ways to celebrate our graduates with our MI community.

We know that this disruption is challenging for many of you and we are committed to moving forward in supporting your academic journey. Please stay healthy and keep reviewing the MI COVID-19 website for further updates.




Latest Message #10: Important Update for Marine Institute Students

(March 20, 2020, 1:35 pm NDT)

We understand this continues to be an extremely challenging time for students. As the Institute has come together to address this unprecedented situation, the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is our primary concern. 

At this point, the Marine Institute Ridge Road building campus remains open. Our instructors and academic support teams in our Schools and across the Marine Institute are working together to ensure that we preserve the integrity of our academic semester and we are doing everything possible to support our students. Your instructors and student support teams are and will continue to be available to address your questions and to provide assistance. There are a couple of specific areas that we wanted to update you on today:

Modification to Course Evaluation and Final Exams

Marine Institute students in all programs will be informed of their modified course evaluation scheme by their instructors before the end of the day, Tuesday, March 24, 2020.

There will be no on campus exams for the Winter 2020 semester.

Instructors will be replacing final exams with alternate final assessments. These assessments will be a take home assessment or a test. All final assessments will be completed by the last day of the current exam period, April 19th for technical certificate and diploma students and April 21st for undergraduate and graduate degree students.

Spring and Summer 2020 semester registration delay

The opening of registration for the Spring 2020 semester will not begin as scheduled. The delay will allow time to review the planned course and program offerings, including technical sessions and work terms, and make adjustments as needed. Once a revised registration date has been determined, students will be notified.

Winter Scholarships

We have received a number of inquiries related to the release and confirmation of the Winter 2020 Scholarship recipients. Students receiving a scholarship will be notified early next week.

Student Supports

Please continue to visit the MI COVID-19 site for up to date information and FAQ for answers to common questions or check out the contact information page for phone numbers or email addresses for key departments. You can also email with your questions.

Specific support services continue to be available remotely with employees in student support, accessibility services, registrar’s office and office of career integrated learning working remotely and committed to supporting you in this difficult time.

Students Health and Wellness

The Student Wellness and Counselling Centre on the St. John’s campus remains open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, for regular in-person physician and nursing appointments. Students arriving at the clinic should not arrive early for their appointments and should not bring visitors with them.

Students with COVID-19 questions and concerns should visit or call 811 directly. Do not present in person to the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre if you are experiencing a cough, fever, difficulty breathing, and have travelled outside the province or have had contact with someone who has the COVID-19 virus.

Counselling appointments will be delivered remotely. Students who wish to book counselling appointments can call 864-8500 and select option 5 to book a remote session with a counsellor.

A reminder to all students that the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC) website offers a number of online and phone-based community mental health and wellness supports. Please refer to the detailed list of resources here: if you need remote support.

Students with urgent mental health concerns should avail of the following community-based services:

  • 24-hour mental health crisis line: (709) 737-4668 (local) or 1-888-737-4668 (province-wide).
  • Mobile Crisis Response Team: 1-888-737-4668 St. John’s Region.
  • 24 hour Walk-in Psychiatric Assessment Unit at the Waterford Hospital Site on Waterford Bridge Road: (709) 777-3021 or (709) 777-3022.




Latest Message #9: To all our Students, Faculty, Staff and Industrial Clients of MI Community

(March 20, 2020, 12:15 pm NDT)

This has been an extraordinary week. Like you, we have been trying to understand what impact the COVID-19 pandemic will have on our personal, professional and academic lives.

We are concerned about everyone’s well-being and have been working around the clock to do everything we can to protect our community’s health and safety.

Since we announced our decision to transition to remote delivery, everyone at the Marine Institute has been working together to smoothly adapt our courses, carry out our commitments to our industrial clients, and preserve the academic continuity of the Winter 2020 semester.

Students, important information about your course evaluations and final exams will be posted on our Marine Institute COVID-19 website today along with other details on student supports. Please check this site frequently for updates and further information.

We thank our instructors and all of our employees as they support our students, clients and each other. 

We thank you for your patience and trust while we navigate this ever-changing and challenging situation.

We also want to take this moment to thank and commend those in the healthcare field for their efforts to protect and care for us. Following their guidelines and advice is the greatest respect we can show them.

The Marine Institute remains open for now and we are here to help you as we complete this semester and move forward in the coming weeks. 

Please remember there are a number of supports available to you through the Marine Institute and your community and we encourage you to reach out if you need help. Please go to the Marine Institute COVID-19 website where all pertinent information will be posted as it becomes available.

Look after yourself and each other and we will come through this situation stronger together.

Best wishes,


Glenn Blackwood, Vice-President

Memorial University (Marine Institute)





Latest Message #8: MI Continuing To Develop Final Exams Procedures

(March 18, 2020, 2:02 pm NDT)

We are aware of current messaging circulating to the broader Memorial student community regarding an update on final exams for Winter 2020 semester. This messaging does not apply to Marine Institute programs (Technical Certificate, Diplomas of Technology, Advanced Diploma, Post Graduate Certificate, Undergraduate and Graduate). We are currently working on the final examination procedures for all Marine Institute programs and the Marine Institute will communicate with you directly when the procedures are finalized.





Latest Message #7: Exams update for Marine Institute students

(March 18, 2020, 9:36 am NDT)

Please note, update #6 this morning (March 18, 8:20 am) regarding exams does not apply to exams for certificate, diploma, undergraduate or graduate students at the Fisheries and Marine Institute. Those students will be updated directly by their faculty. Full update at





Latest Message #6: Update on final exams for Winter 2020 semester

(March 18, 2020, 8:20 am NDT)

Students are advised that there will be no final exams taking place on campus in April. This includes both on campus and online invigilated exams. A proposal regarding final exams has been approved.

Instructors have been presented with a number of options as alternatives to an on-campus final exam in April, which could include an alternative method for conducting the final exam or the postponement of the on-campus final exam to a later date.

Each of these options will give students the choice between accepting a PAS/FAL grade or obtaining a numerical grade.

Students should note that a grade of PAS or FAL has no implications for their academic averages.

Students will be given further instructions on how to communicate their choice between PAS/FAL or a numeric grade at a later time.

Instructors are expected to communicate the option they have selected for the courses they teach as soon as possible.

Please note this update does not apply to exams for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Nursing, Centre for Nursing Studies or the Western Regional School of Nursing. You will be updated directly by your Faculty.





Latest Message #5: Update from the Office of the Vice-President (Research)

(March 17, 2020, 6:32 pm NDT)

  • Activities for faculty, staff and students (undergraduate and graduate) in all research laboratories will be suspended from 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 18, onward.
  • Researchers should not submit any new protocols involving animals. Continuation of existing research studies involving animals will be considered on a case-by-case basis. These requests should be submitted to Dr. Jennifer Keyte, university veterinarian and director of Animal Care Services, via email at
  • All fieldwork for faculty, staff and students (undergraduate and graduate) is suspended from 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 18, onward. Researchers currently in the field should return immediately.
  • All graduate students in research-intensive (e.g., thesis-based programs) should work from home. Meetings with supervisors should be carried out using remote methods.
  • Research groups should arrange meetings using remote methods.
  • Research Grant and Contract Services (RGCS) is moving to a blended model of onsite and remote operations. The Memorial University Researcher Portal (ROMEO) is accessible remotely and faculty and staff should continue to use it for submission of applications and awards to RGCS.
  • Memorial’s Strategic Institutional Research Initiatives (SIRI) unit is moving to remote operations.
  • Activities at Technical Services are suspended until further notice.
  • Memorial’s campuses remain open. The suspension of research activities will be reviewed on a regular basis to determine when normal laboratory and fieldwork activities can resume.




Latest Message #4: Update on suspension of classes and change in library hours

(March 17, 2020, 1:10 pm NDT)

Based on ongoing consultation with units and a determination of their ability to be responsive, and the evolving public health environment, Memorial University has moved up the timeline for suspension of all classes. As of end of day Tuesday, March 17, all classes (in person and online) on all campuses will be suspended. Remote delivery of classes is scheduled to resume on Monday, March 23, as previously announced. Students with questions about their classes should contact their instructor.

Direction regarding student residences remains the same as issued at 8:15 p.m., March 16.

All Memorial Libraries on all campuses will have an early closure at 5 p.m. today, March 17. All Libraries will reopen as scheduled tomorrow, March 18, but will close at 5 p.m. for all users and will remain closed until further notice for all users. See for more information and resources. Library employees should report to work as scheduled until further notice.

For more, see





Latest Message #3: Message from Vice-President Glenn Blackwood

(March 16, 2020)

Good evening everyone,

The COVID-19 situation is unfolding and we ask our students, faculty and staff to work with us as we navigate this unprecedented issue.

We understand there is anxiety around returning to class and work on Tuesday March 17, 2020 and we are working extremely hard to navigate the complexities.

The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland will move to remote delivery of classes for the remainder of the Winter term 2020 on Monday, March 23. Our campus and other locations will remain open.

ALL Institute operations will continue as normal with faculty and staff at work on Tuesday March 17, 2020, unless you have arrangements with your supervisor. Managers will be working with employees to identify work from home arrangements where possible.

While we transition and continue to adjust our daily behaviours in this phase of COVID-19, we understand the stresses everyone may be under.  There are many questions and many of them are around what will happen to the remainder of term.

This week will be critical for us as we understand what it means to move to remote delivery. We will need all your help and cooperation to achieve this model.  We appreciate everyone working together as a team to achieve the best possible outcome for our students.

I know we have successful experience in this delivery model, and we will need the help of those with significant experience in this area to assist others to adapt to the model of course delivery.

MI will be launching a webpage shortly and is developing a Frequently asked questions that will address some of the questions we are receiving and update it as themes change in these questions. We have been in constant meetings at various committee levels to plan for Memorial and MI and will continue to update our community.

Please continue to monitor information channels from MI and Memorial.

As always the Marine institute community comes together through difficult times and we will require all of us to work together during this unprecedented event. It is our collective responsibility to ensure the success of students.





Latest Message #2: Update on COVID-19 Response Links to Important Information for faculty, staff and Students

(March 16, 2020)

Please see the latest news update from Memorial University.





Latest Message #1: MUN suspending classes March 18, return remotely March 23

(March 15, 2020)

The Marine Institute is suspending all classes and labs (both face-to-face and those currently offered online) at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 18.

Instruction is scheduled to resume remotely on Monday, March 23.

During this time, the university will remain open which means employees will report to work, research activity, work-terms and clinical placements will continue. Academic and student support units such as the Libraries will remain open.

While there are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Memorial University, the university is taking this action to further protect the health and safety of students, faculty and staff and the people of the province through implementing social distancing practices. Enhanced cleaning protocols across Memorial’s campuses are currently being implemented.

To be absolutely clear, in-person classes and in-person labs will not resume this semester following end-of-day Wednesday, March 18. Any course delivery from March 23 will occur through remote teaching. In many cases, this will mean online delivery through tools such as Brightspace and other technologies. However, instructors will be responsible for communicating specific course changes to their students.

The pause in instruction from March 19-22 inclusive will allow instructors time to develop their plans for remote teaching from March 23 to the end of the semester. Note that instruction in existing online courses will also be paused from March 19-22 to allow students and instructors time to focus on transitioning to the new circumstances.

The process for completing final exams will be communicated to students in advance of the exam period.

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