ICT Help Desk serves as our point of contact for all operational issues and general queries.
Located in room W2051 of the Marine Institute’s Ridge Road Campus
Telephone: 709-778-0628 Email: servicedesk@mi.mun.ca
Ask ICT Help Desk on Microsoft Teams (8:30am - 4:30pm)
It's time to start planning your future
Our Student Recruitment Office is your first point of contact to find out more about the Marine Institute.
Are you currently a graduate student? Do you have a business idea, do you think the research you are working on could be commercialized? Register now for an entrepreneurial work term or internship with the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship for the 2022 summer semester!
As part of the entrepreneurial work term or internship with MCE, you will get a $4,500 bursary for the semester, and you will be able to apply for other funding that will go towards starting your business! Applications remain open until all the positions are filled.
For more information and to apply, https://bit.ly/3uQirgL
The BGSA is excited to announce the 2022 BGSS, taking place from April 21-22! They are accepting abstract submissions until March 22.
Due to the continued uncertainty with Covid, the symposium will be held virtually. You can choose either an oral or poster presentation- there is a limited number of spots for either, so please indicate in your submission your preference. Oral presentations will be allotted an eight-minute talk followed by a two-minute question session, and poster presentations are given a five-minute question session.
Submit your abstracts by filling out the following link: https://bit.ly/3IE0ENY
The purpose of the CSA Group Graduate Scholarship is to support graduate students in the pursuit of novel research related to standards. The research can be conducted in any field (e.g., engineering, social sciences, health sciences) and must include standards as a component of the research.
More information can be found here: https://bit.ly/3FJQXuZ
Deadline to apply is March 31.
This scholarship was created as a tangible symbol of co-operation between Canadian Japanese and Canadian Mennonites subsequent to a formal apology that was offered to Canadian Japanese by MCC Canada on behalf of Canadian Mennonites. The scholarship is intended to assist the protection of minority and human rights in Canada, and to reduce the potential for abuse of cultural minorities such as that suffered by Japanese Canadians during World War II.
To be eligible, you must be doing research that will help protect minority or human rights in Canada.
For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3haUp8c
Deadline is April 1.
MUN’s Faculty of Science invites all science students, staff, post-doctoral fellows and faculty to the first annual SEA interdisciplinary research conference! At the SEA, researchers of all levels will present their work and learn about the other outstanding research underway in the Faculty of Science.
This in-person, three-day, multi-session event will take place April 8-10, 2022.
For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3Jv6Nf9