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It's time to start planning your future
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MI Lead is a Student Leadership program for current Marine Institute (MI) students, supported by the Fry Family Foundation Student Leadership Initiative.
This program is directed at empowering students, starting with the name. MI Lead, pronounced MY Lead, is giving students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, and their own personal leadership style.
Whether you aim to be the next CEO of a top company, are looking for the confidence to speak up in class or meetings or are looking to become more involved in your community, MI Lead will equip you with the necessary skills to help you along your journey.
MI Lead programming is built from three principals, with the goal of building meaningful connections to MI’s people, programs and sense of place.
Emphasis will be placed on connecting MI Lead participants with other MI students, the larger MI community, and the community in which they are currently located.
MI Lead participants will learn by attending workshops, personal reflection, service initiatives, networking and more.
In addition to the three programming principals, MI Lead is based on four pillars.
Building the foundation you need to realize your full potential as a leader.
These skills stack up to give the guidance and principals you need to move forward as a leader.
Putting your new skillset to work.
At home, in the classroom, during placement, or in the community – your leadership capabilities will shine in each aspect of your life.
There is much to learn from the experiences of others, and those that have paved the roads we now walk on.
A key piece of MI Lead will be speaking with and learning from leaders from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.
These leaders can help shape your journey moving forward.
Taking the time to look back at your experiences, and understanding what impact they had on you personally, professionally, or on your community.
By taking this step back, you can see what you gained, and outline where you would like to go from here.
Please contact StudentSupport@mi.mun.ca or visit Student Affairs (W3013).