
MI hosts Oil & Gas Week 2016 Launch Event
Monday, February 22, 2016

Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Week 2016 was officially launched during a ceremony at the Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) of Memorial University of Newfoundland on February 22.

Oil & Gas Week 2016 runs from February 22-27 and is a partnership initiative between Noia (the Newfoundland and Labrador Oil & Gas Industries Association), CAPP (the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers), three levels of government and the education sector.

“The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University is pleased to be an educational partner of Newfoundland and Labrador Oil & Gas week,” said Glenn Blackwood, vice-president, Memorial University (Marine Institute). “As a leader in maritime education and training, we are focused on equipping graduates like Captain Finn Johnsen with the tools they require to lead successful careers in Oil & Gas and the sectors that support the industry.”

Captain Johnsen is the Offshore Installation Manager with Ventura Petroleo S.A. and a graduate of MI’s Nautical Science program (2003). He spoke to the audience about how his education and training has led to an interesting and successful career in the oil & gas industry.

The event concluded with the presentation of four Oil & Gas Week scholarships to post-secondary students from Memorial University, MI and the College of the North Atlantic. The scholarships are valued at $1,000 each and have been established for students enrolled in petroleum-related programs at the province's public post-secondary education institutions. This year's scholarship recipients are:

  • Alana Loveys from Carbonear and a student at Memorial University (Faculty of Business)
  • Michael Cutler from Centreville and a student at Memorial University (Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science)
  • Keith Dalley from Twillingate and a student at Marine Institute (Nautical Science)
  • Lori Dollard who is a student at College of the North Atlantic’s Stephenville Campus (Business Administration)


Throughout the week, high school students will have an opportunity to learn from industry employees about their career experiences in the oil & gas industry and tour various industry facilities to see careers in oil & gas in action. Oil & gas sector employees will also give back to the community through the annual food drive, happening on February 27 in support of the Community Food Sharing Association. For a detailed schedule of events, please visit