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Memorial University of Newfoundland and its Marine Institute is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of users. The University supports the protection of privacy and the freedom of information in accordance with all applicable federal and provincial statutes. The University collects and stores web usage information and system logs.

These records may contain personally identifiable information (e.g. IP addresses) and are used to manage capacity, performance and security, and to help maintain and improve services.

Logged information is not shared with, or disclosed to, any third party except as explicitly approved by the website user or as required by law.

This website may also deposit small text files called cookies on your computer.

The University uses cookies only to enhance or customize your visit. Users may choose not to allow cookies to be stored on their computers.

However, some information may not display properly, and some services may not be available as a result. In the course of accessing this website, you may provide the University with personal information.

Information volunteered by you is used by the University to operate programs and services and to carry out its activities. Users should refer to the privacy policy associated with the specific program, service, or activity for which the information is collected.

Some services (e.g. bulletin boards, web mail) by their nature distribute communications or information that you provide. Information you share via these services may be collected, stored and disseminated by others.

Memorial University and Marine Institute websites may provide links to external websites. The University does not control or endorse these sites and is not responsible for their availability, content, privacy practices, or delivery of services.

Responsibilities of Users

Some websites require authorized access, typically via an account name and password.

Individual users are responsible for their own accounts and should never share passwords with other individuals.

To protect your privacy and prevent unauthorized use, log out and completely close all web browser windows when you finish using a web-based service.

About this Statement

The privacy statement for this website is published under the authority of the Institute’s Manager of Information and Communication Technologies and the Manager of Marketing and Communications.

This statement may be amended from time to time.

Refer to the version number and last update date at the beginning of this document.

Contact Information

Inquiries, comments, or complaints concerning this privacy statement may be directed to:

Manager, Information and Communication Technologies
Fisheries and Marine Institute
St. John’s, NL, Canada
A1C 5R3
Telephone: 709-778-0489

Manager, Marketing and Communications
Fisheries and Marine Institute
St. John’s, NL, Canada
A1C 5R3
Telephone: 709-778-0544

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