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Program at a Glance
Fall Admission: February 1 | Winter Admission: June 1
The Doctor of Philosophy in Maritime Studies is offered to full-time and part-time students. This program is aimed at those who want to participate in the development of new maritime studies knowledge in the area of safety and survival.
Researchers will be equipped with a national and internationally demanded skill set that focuses on statistics and research design, quantitative analysis, science communication and knowledge in the human factors that impact on safety and survival in maritime environments.
Visit the Memorial University Academic Calendar for complete program requirements.
Admission into the Ph.D. program in Maritime Studies is normally restricted to applicants holding a Master’s degree or its equivalent with relevant background and core knowledge in, but not limited to, criminology or criminal justice, emergency management, engineering, human kinetics, maritime studies, psychology, or sociology.
Applicants are normally expected to have a 'B' in all course work completed for the Master’s degree. In exceptional circumstances, an applicant with a B.Sc. degree who has spent no less than 12 months in an M.Sc. degree program may be recommended for transfer into a Ph.D. program. For this transfer to be accepted, the applicant must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor and Supervisory Committee, their ability to pursue research at the doctoral level.
View full admission requirements.
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