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Diploma of Technology

Naval Architecture

Laptop Program

Educational innovation is the driving force behind the Marine Institute's mandatory Laptop Program for Naval Architecture Technology students. The objective of the Laptop Program is to give students continuous access to the latest technology and software used in the ship design and construction industry.

Students enrolled in the Naval Architecture Technology program are provided laptops at the start of their second year of study.

Benefits of the Laptop Program include:

  • All students have the same hardware, which is maintained by the Information & Communication Technologies department at MI
  • All licensed version of all software required for program courses is included
  • Laptop hardware is a business class laptop with a three year warranty
  • There is an all perils warranty to replace the unit in case of accidental damage, loss or theft
  • The Naval Architecture homeroom classroom has dedicated network connectivity
  • Students do not have to compete for computer lab space, and have the ability to work at home
  • The laptop is always available to the student if computer labs are ever down
  • Students have the option to purchase their laptop upon completion of the Naval Architecture program

Go mobile with your lecture notes, homework, email, Internet, instant messages, you get the idea. Just another way the Marine Institute prepares you for success - in college and in life.

Each laptop comes equipped with the latest versions of:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • AutoCAD
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Project
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Maxsurf
  • Rhinoceros 3D
  • Ship Constructor
  • Hydrocomp NavCAD
  • Hydrocomp Prop Expert
  • GHS
  • Symantec Virus Protection
  • Lumion
  • ExpressMarine 3D
  • Nauticus Hull

So you will have abundant computing power, memory, and hard disk space to last you through graduation!

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