Technical Rescuer (Vehicle Rescue Level II)

There are no sections available for this course. Some courses are based on public/industry interest.Please fill out our course communication form to express interest in this course which will help us in organizing future sections.

Certificate Awarded

Certificate of Achievement
NOTE: NFPA 1006 Technical Rescuer Vehicle and Machinery Extrication Level II Certification Testing Available Upon Request


High School Graduation;
Marine Institute Approved Medical Clearance;
SERT Competency Checklist for Fire Suppression Techniques;
Technical Rescuer - Vehicle and Machinery Extrication Level I;
NOTE:  NFPA 1006 Vehicle and Machinery Extrication Level II Certification Testing Pre-Requisites (as outline by Fire and Emergency Services NL):
Successful completion of NFPA 1006, Rescue Technician – Core
Successful completion of NFPA 1006, Rescue Technician - Vehicle and Machinery Extrication Level I
Emergency Medical Responder 80 Hour course as provided by St. John Ambulance or Red Cross
Medical Clearance signed by physician only

Course Description

This is a Technical Rescuer Course that introduces the student to the more advanced theoretical and practical aspects of extrication focusing on Heavy Vehicle and Machinery Extrication Techniques. This course incorporates Vehicle and Machinery Extrication Level II Core Skill Techniques to meet NFPA 1006.

Course Outline

1.0   Heavy Vehicle and Machinery Classification

2.0   Bus Extrication

3.0   Medium and Heavy Truck Extrication

4.0   Railcar Extrication

5.0   Industrial / Agricultural Vehicle and Machinery Extrication

6.0   Specialized Heavy Vehicle and Machinery Extrication

7.0   Heavy Vehicle and Machinery Incident Assessment

8.0   Hazards Associated with Heavy Vehicles and Machinery

9.0   Extrication Tools and Equipment for Heavy Vehicles and Machinery

10.0 Heavy Vehicle and Machinery Stabilization

11.0 Victim Removal from Heavy Vehicles and Machinery

ATTENTION: Your acceptance notification will be E-mailed to the E-mail account you provide during the registration process. Please remember to check your Junk E-mail folder for any communications that may have been filtered to that location.

Minimum class sizes are required to deliver courses, should these minimums not be achieved classes could be postponed or rescheduled.