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Short Courses

Advanced Exterior Industrial Fire Team Member

There are no sections available for this course. Some courses are based on public/industry interest. Please email to express interest in this course which will help us in organizing future sections

Certificate Awarded

Certificate of Achievement


Marine Institute approved medical clearance;
Marine Institute approved Fit Test;
Marine Institute Incipient Industrial Fire Team Member Course or approved equivalent


Course Description

This course is an advanced industrial fire team course and a continuation from the Incipient Industrial Fire Team Member course. This course is designed to enable the student to understand the role of a member of an industrial fire team for exterior firefighting and to demonstrate the practical aspects of exterior fire suppression. This course reflects the requirements outlined in the NFPA 1081, 2018 edition, Standard for Facility Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications. This standard, in part, identifies the minimum job performance requirements for advanced exterior industrial fire team member.

Course Outline

1.0 Fire Behaviour
2.0 Personal Protection Equipment
3.0 Firefighting Techniques
4.0 Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapors Explosion (BLEVE)
5.0 Firefighting Foam
6.0 Emergency Response Planning

ATTENTION: Your acceptance notification will be E-mailed to the E-mail account you provide during the registration process. Please remember to check your Junk E-mail folder for any communications that may have been filtered to that location.

Minimum class sizes are required to deliver courses, should these minimums not be achieved classes could be postponed or rescheduled.

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